Things, they are a changin'...
Obama's picking Joe "Mr. Plagiarist" Biden. Not exactly the paradigm shift that Mr. Rhetoric led us to believe. One of the biggest figures of the modern Democrat-socialist movement. Say what you want about Senator Biden, he does certainly love the sound of his own voice, especially when complimenting his soon to be boss on being "Clean and articulate". Oh, and in August 2007 he said that Barack Obama was not in any way, shape or form, ready to be president. Guess that whole year has prepared him. Also, I'm not exactly sure what "Foriegn Policy" credentials he is supposed to have? Chairing a Senatorial committee? Racking up frequent flyer miles? I put it out there to any Obama supporters/ apologists, please educate me?
I personally can't wait for the shit slinging, banner waving, rioting that will be sure to distinguish the Democrat party convention even more than the great "Do Nothing" Congress lead by Pelosi and Reed. Recreate '68? I wasn't around for that one, but I hear it got pretty durn nasty. Hillary's people are now calling them selves PUMAs (Party Unity My Ass). This ought to be good.
The more fractious it is, the less people will vote for Democrats.
Problem is, we're getting shit from the Republicans too.
For the record, I admire the hell out of John McCain's service in the United States Navy. I state categorically that he gets the Official "Crazed American Seal of Sheer Bad-Assery" for his time served in the Untied States Navy and as a POW. I haven't cared for him all that much in his years in Congress, but I haven't had to - he's not my Senator. My senators are two Republican idiots. (Damn, I do LOVE the First Amendment)
John McCain can't even remember how many houses he owns. John - got news for you - I don't even follow your campaign and I know how many houses you own.
Answer: ZERO. Nada. ZILCH. Bupkus.
Your wife and her multitudinous trust fund owns whatever you own. You get your Senatorial Salary, Navy disability and retirement (these are not insignificant amounts, though, they just pale in comparison to Cindy McCain's dough). Your (and by Your, I mean her) accountant gives you an allowance. Your accountants probably have everything in her name. Smart, since you can release your financial records and she won't.
So - Crazed American Political status report - still not voting for either of the bastards. I might vote for Barr or Nader - I will flip a coin. Seemed to work OK for Harvey "Two Face" Dent in the Dark Knight. Or I will write in my Dad (he already said he would not serve if elected - so that would be a wasted vote) or Vladimir Putin. Taxes are lower in Russia than they are in the United States...
So next January I'll have a new President. I hope to Mr. Jesus H. Christ, Buddha, Vishnu, and Mohammed that in the scant days between Election day and inauguration day that the winner actually might sit down and read the Constitution.
So I issue a challenge: Any Obama Supporters / Apologists or any McCain Supporters / Apologists - please offer me some reasoned discourse on which candidate is going to increase my freedom over the next four years?
Just a thought. It's late now - I'm going to bed.
Obama Biden 08 (really?)
P.S. Sorry for the infrequent posting.