There comes a time in everyone's life, when you reach a crossroads...
I'm at one, and the path that I had chosen for myself is not longer open to me.
My wife of 9 years, companion for 13, no longer requires my presence or services. I am working on adjusting to the new reality.
Within a short month or two I will be divorced form her. Red-tape is fun.
This turn of events is not unexpected, in fact the Crazed American has not occupied the mountain redoubt in 6 months.
So today the Crazed American is sad, that he will soon, in the eyes of the state, no longer have a wife, and no longer live in my home. But I am excited at the prospect of my future, free to do what I will, free to grow, free to love again.
I'll never forget the Good Times, Mrs. Crazed American. We produced a fabulous little girl, and had a very good run, when it ran good. We beat the odds and were married longer than most. So our marriage can be classified as "above-average-average."
I wish you the best.
Crazed American, out.