13 March 2007

Finally… Well almost

Fred Thompson – Actor, Senator, Lawyer (the Crazed American won’t belabor that point…)

Presidential Candidate. He has not decided – but hasn’t shut the door.

I think this could be a darn good thing. At this point, Fred has the Crazed American’s vote.

In my humble opinion, America needs something right now – something we haven’t had in a while. Since Bill Clinton, at least – and he had his own problems…

America needs inspiring leadership. “An honest to G-d, no bullshit assessment”, of things, big and small. I mean this dude has told Clint Eastwood and Bruce Willis to f—k off. (In the Line of Fire and Die Hard 2: Die Harder). In the Crazed American’s opinion he would only be cooler if somehow he had told The Duke (PBUH) or The King (PBUH) to take a flying leap.

Having heard two recent presidents speak in person, I can honestly say both of them put me to sleep (President Bush the Elder in 1992 and President Clinton in 1993). President Clinton is actually a fine orator, but the day I saw him, a) I had to be there; b) my leave had been revoked and I was looking forward to a few weeks extra calculus whilst my classmates frittered away the time with booze and bikini clad females; and c) it was a really pleasant summer day along the Hudson, tailor made for a nap.

Fred Thompson is riveting. Don’t believe me – watch any of the 200,000 Law and Order shows and tell me that he isn’t a commanding figure. Watch Hunt for Red October and tell me that he isn’t commanding as an Admiral.

He has political experience – 2 term senator from Tennessee. Damn good Senator by all accounts – I can’t find a single website that says anything negative about him (although if he officially throws in his hat – they’ll probably come right on out of the woodwork). Decided not to run for another term – he got sick of politics… Good for him.

Mr. Thompson – give it some thought. There are those of us out here who’d like someone of your gravitas in the job. I’d also like to hear a president give a speech without me cringing at what might come out of his (or her – the Crazed American has no problem with the idea of a female chief executive). I, along with a number of people I know, long for inspiring, no- bullshit leadership, and all that entails. I know it’s a nasty thing to do to your family – but – your country needs a leader like you.

Tonight (1910 local) the Crazed American will attend a showing of 300. I long for a film that unabashedly depicts superiority of Western Civilization. The Crazed American is also an unrepentant stickler for historical accuracy. The Crazed American understands that this film is an ADAPTATION OF A GRAPHIC NOVEL. I have studied the battle, and I know that any movie could not possibly replicate any battle. I have also read the Graphic Novel. I like Gerard Butler, the actor who plays King Leonidas of Sparta. I understand that King Xerxes of Persia was probably not a 8 foot tall multi- sexual garbed only in body piercings. Although that the time I’m sure the Persian populace thought of him as 8 foot tall. I am interested to see the depiction of the elite Persian Heavy Infantry, known as the immortals.

If I am right this movie could have been made by both Spartan and Persian propogandists
Soon I shall find out…


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