30 March 2008

You've got to be f---in' kidding me....

Please take a moment to read this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/03/30/wuspols130.xml

(thanks instapundit.com)

The Crazed American's take:

I am by no means a fan of the current crop of ineffective socialists that run the formerly great Democratic Party. Having said that, I know a few Democrats...

So if the above article bears any fruit, and Albert gets the nod, can there not possibly be a HUGE rift formed in the Democratic Party, up to and including open warfare.

Let's put it this way:

Obama is ahead in terms of delegates and popular votes. Let's say that continues to the convention, but some how Clinton is able to sway the super delagtes into voting for her or not voting at all - 1st round of voting gets locked up and it breaks it open and then Al Gore swoops in and takes the nomination - it's stealing (worse than 2000 - literal "selection not election").

Or let's say that Hillary is able to make a comeback and the same thing happens in reverse.

Will the Democratic party be able to COMPLETELY DISREGARD THE WILL OF ITS MEMBERS? Michigan and Florida do not apply here - their state Party officials CHOSE to violate the rules of the game and SHOULD NOT be allowed to seat delegates according to eh rules set forth by Chairman Dean and the senior officials of the DNC.

Albert's no where on the ballot, anywhere. Folks who are seriously thinking about GIVING him the nomination are setting an explosive path ahead. The Crazed American is of the mind that if the will of the members of the Democratic party can so easily be cast aside, then what's the point of the primary / caucus process. Sane the $$ and just have the delegate appointed.

The American people obviously should not be trusted to pick the DNC's leaders.

Let's ignore the will of the people.


Escape From Peoria said...

...and God bless the electorial college, and God bless the Representative Republic...

You have to appreciate the irony that every vote counts in Iragi elections. Exactly how much room do we have to criticize Russia's "election" results?

By the way, all of these senators that are not at work, and are not voting on the issues being brought before Congress, are still being paid. I feel reasonably certain I would be unemployed if I didn't show up to work for a few months, even if I were running for POTUS. However, the boss of these candidates, "We the people", don't fire them, continue to cut them a paycheck, and in many cases, donate money to the cause. Seriously, who writes this stuff??

Escape From Peoria said...

Jesse Ventura may be a good choice, but I think we owe Carl a chance.
Carl Weathers for Governor