29 March 2011


So since last I've been around MUCH as happened. Weighty, important things.

I am done with National Politics. The Administration is comprised of partisan clowns who are having their strings pulled. Our Sainted President is, frankly incompetent and conducting an illegal war.

Before anyone jumps up and claims that I am some form of partisan stooge, allow me to point you in the direction of the US Consitution (the document that was used to found our great nation, but somewhere within the past 10 years is now viewed by the powers that be as some form of notion, to be paid in lip service). The Constitution clearly states that only our Congress can authorize war. Even the (at best extra legal) War Powers Act of 1968 spells out what the president must do to take us to war.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are at war in Libya. Every day, the Army of Libya shoots at US Navy, Marine and Air Force aircraft, and every day we shoot back. People are dying, at our hand.

Also to my BHO worshippinf friends: Since when is France the arbiter of a good and just war?
Evidence: Iraq 1991, France joined the coalition, everybody happy
Iraq 2003, France opposed, leftists scream about the Tyrant Bush
Libya 2011. France all for it, Leftists and most every body else: *Crickets chirping*

I wouldn't be so steamed about this, except for Our President's hypocritical criticism of his predecessor (also Bush's "Coalition of the Willing" has 2x + the members of Obama's enlightened Coalition), and the fact that he touted himself as a CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR.

I am sick of hypocrisy. Both political parties are full of it. This country has very difficult times ahead, unless we abandon the old ways of doing things, kick all imcumbents out and innovate - making this country a nation of equal opportunity and law for all it's citizens again.

"It makes me sad." - King Arthur


Psych (USA Networks) is a great and funny show. If you are not watching it - you should - Dule Hill and James Roday are an outstanding ensemble. Not to mention, I really like Corbin Bernsen's portrayal of a retired cop.

All right, I'm out of material for the time being,.

Crazed American, out.
PS bone to pick - is it true that in writing it's now kosher to use 1 space after a period instead of two?!? Where the hell was I when that memo was put out?

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