28 March 2013


...or how I learned to stop worrying and come to love the new Globalist Utopia.

Folks, the UN has released the final version of it's international arms trade treaty.

I have read it and I have come to the conclusion that it, and a buck, won't buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.  It's the UN's version of Busywork for Bureaucrats.

I'm no legal scholar, not an expert in treaties, but the Crazed American does actually possess a piece of paper here in BaseCamp Ponderosa that indicates a certain place of higher learning in a far off, flat land conferred upon me a degree in International Affairs.  I wasn't a terribly good student, but I learned me some interesting knowledge.

Having read the firestorm of fear and paranoia coming out of the pro-gun press (of which I count myself part of, BTW), and having read the entire text of the treaty (twice), allow me to distill what I know about what this treaty means to anyone:


It has no teeth, can do nothing.  Even if it did authorize the UN to build a force to go into the USofA and confiscate all of it's scary weapons, what would be the result?  This will have zero effect on the global arms trade - legal or illegal.  It merely creates a new avenue for bribes from arms merchants to bureaucrats!  What do you think could happen? Some Belgian Blue-Hats would pour off of landing craft on the Atlantic Coast, and...?  What could they do?

We (pro-2A media) all need to take a deep breath on this.  This UN treaty is about the inter-State (national governments) transfer of arms.  Even if G-d Himself blessed the NGO bureaucrats with a window of non-corrupt and efficient thinking, how the h-ll could they accomplish such a thing?  They can't even come up with effective sanctions against Iran and North Korea.  Peacekeeping in Africa? Israeli / Arab relations? The UN is utterly incompetent, and above all, powerless.

As Star Trek fans (again, I count myself as one) will tell you:  we just ain't ready for global governance.   The Federation wasn't set up as a galactic government - it was a Federation of allied worlds that agreed on specific, terms and guaranteed specific freedoms.  As long as member worlds agree to protect the specific freedoms and play nice with the other members, they could do their own thing.

Some of you out there will wonder - What if they use the language of this treaty to further take away our Creator-Endowed Rights?  My response - what, like our own clowns in Washington construing the Constitution to allow drone flights and military operations and surveillance domestically?  Or the due-process-less incarceration of American Citizens?  Or the targeted assassination of American Citizens?Those things could never happen because we have a piece of paper, right?

All this treaty does is set up a bureaucracy none of the member states can afford.  So, they won't support it.  They'll pay it some lip service, they'll extract some fines from some violators - but nothing will happen.  It does not provide any mechanism, unless our own government does it, to restrict American's right to keep and bear arms.  The only people who can take our guns away is:  US.  Not the UN, not scared teenagers from Europe wearing fetching sky-blue helmets.

The Constitution, Articles of Federation, UN Charter, treaties of all sorts - they're all pieces of paper - social contracts - codified agreements between people.  They, like the people who sign them and the ideas they embody are not permanent, not immutable.

They all have to be renegotiated.  Those negotiations can either be nice and civil...  or bloody and terrible.

There is a foul portent of the future, of the "civilized" world.  This treaty ain't anything to worry about.
There's much bigger fish to fry,


Crazed American, Out.

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