10 October 2016


Who hasn't made up their mind for one, the other, or neither?  Interesting question is why are they still having them? 

Ratings and advertising revenue. 

I am beyond disgusted by this.  There is no doubt in my mind of a way-back collusion between Clinton and Trump. I don't believe in coincidence.  The only person that Clinton could possibly beat is Donald Trump.  He makes her look positively presidential in comparison. 

Say what you want to about Hillary, but no one has ever accused her of being dumb.  Evil, perhaps.  Dumb, no.

She's not going to be a good president.  Her vaunted record as Sec State? 

Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, ISIS, just to name a few.  She's made an enemy of the Russians again. 

So, enjoy all of the benefits of the Second Clinton Regieme.  I, for one think bit will be much more of the same, with an option for a major war, and a further erosion of rights.

America, we always get the government we deserve. 

Crazed American, out.

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