04 July 2018

4 July 2018

Greetings gentle reader,

I have determined, through extensive experience, that modern Americans are lazy and incompetent, dumbed down through the modern Military-Industrial-Media-Educational Complex into ductile proles.  We're tax slaves. 

Take me, for instance.  I live my life at the minimums of expense, but at the maximum of return.  I simply want to spend time with my wife and kids.  I like to ski.  I got a job that is flexible, not to challenging, and when I am not at my job I don't have to think about it.  Little stress, little responsibility, little money, but that's OK.  I have enough to pay the bills, keep a roof over my head, pay for my families needful stuff, and sock a little away for hard times.  I've been quite fortunate in the real estate arena, and am contemplating a move away from my mountains in order to realize some profit on my rapidly appreciating house. 

I pay my taxes pretty much so I don't go to jail.  I'm not a huge fan of the current state of governmental affairs in this hemisphere.  If taxes were voluntary, at this point, I'd not be paying them. Oh well, cost of doing business. 

What is important to me is TIME.  Time with my children, time with my wife, time with my family (parents, brother, cousins, in-laws).  Quality time.  Prior to working in the mountains, i worked for an at the time, special company.  It became less special as time went on.  I worked stupidly hard, made my employers a ton of money.  Sixty hours a week was light.  Things went south, and I departed on "good terms" (two weeks, sign off from HR, etc. all tickets punched).  Having said that, I never want to see those people again.  If I do, I will be polite, but that's it.

Alas, I digress - the point is this, I am willing to do without all of the newest and most modern of conveniences in exchange for time for my home life.  I became very sour on making somebody else a lot of money, so until an opportunity for wealth and success comes along, I am happy to spend time with those that I love. 

I've done a lot of things in this life. Father, husband, son, brother, leader, follower, soldier, actor, mercenary, tinkerer, dreamer, manager, clerk, writer, podcaster, blogger.  I've built some things, destroyed some things.  I've helped people, I've hurt people.  I've been blessed with a variety of experience.  Climbed mountains (skied down them) and been beneath the sea. I've done some things better than others, and I've a few regrets, but pretty happy with where I'm at, especially now that movement is in the future (probably in the year -range).  I have to a better job at the first four of those.  If I do a good job and take care of those I love, I trust the rest will fall in line. 

Sitting here at 8200 feet, feeling mighty reflective on this Independence Day 4 July 2018.  I have independence, mostly.  Gotta give Ceasar what is his, afterall...

Love wins,

Crazed American, out.

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