30 April 2007

Martian SUV's

Alternatively titled: Who has the corner on the Mars Carbon offset Market? For the record – the Crazed American does not really believe in coincidence… http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article1720024.ece

One should be able to go out into one's local planetarium or find an obliging observatory, and check this one out. Since CO2 Ice has a much lower sublimation point, and goes from solid to gas (without much pressure placed on the CO2 gas - and Mars atmosphere is frighteningly shy of pressure), it would definitely be evidence pointing in the direction that if the Martian CO2 Ice Cap continues to sublimate, it may mean that the sun is putting out more energy that we think... in a form our primitive monkey brains haven't quite deduced?

I also have it on good authority that the Martian water Ice Cap is also in a permafrost layer in the soil, so it too, will be affected, albeit at a much slower rate... That would mean visible melting of certain spots - and certain pictures exist of Martian fluid seeps - whether that be water or some other fluid...

Check out my fellow blogspot'er: http://copernicusworkbench.blogspot.com/2007/01/more-images-concerning-recent-martian.html

Also related - anyone have a line on how much CO2 was released by the most recent forest fire in Georgia? Particulate matter?

Log it or it will burn. You'd think that people concerned with climate change would be all in favor of responsible forest management (and by that the Crazed American means responsible and limited logging, deadfall clearing, and overall responsible forestry - definitely NOT clear cutting - man, I hate that).

The Crazed American is expecting a hot summer, possibly hotter than last year. Do I interpret that as a portent of doom?


1 comment:

Escape From Peoria said...

Damn, those mars rovers must get really lousey milage!