09 November 2007

Almost a month

Since my last post.

Fear not, loyal reader(s). The Crazed American toils mightily at for a new employer.

So far, this Crazed American is far happier than at the previous employer. I actually have been able to shut my cell phone off at night. This, alone is fabulous.

Also, I volunteered to come in this Saturday to swap out a UPS on our corporate core switches. They suggested that I not trouble myself, and wait until Monday, during business hours. Huzzah!

I'm still going to do it on Saturday, Mrs. Crazed American and the Little Crazed American have an appointment, so I can come in and do it.

Should only take 5 minutes (knock on wood). We'll see...

By the way, the Crazed American will try to discourse on the state of world affairs sometime this weekend, although Brother Moose is planning a bash at his new casa on Saturday afternoon, so we shall see.

Also, the Crazed American plans on offering to Crom this weekend, in the hopes that he deigns to drop us some white stuff (snow) on the Mountain Redoubt this weekend. I will be sad if I do not have to shovel the driveway this weekend.

Also, happy Veteran's Day - early!

Crazed American, out.

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