27 November 2007

Almost not my week

So my favorite Collegiate football team gets deservedly squished by the all time rival...

My personal favorite on Dancing with the Stars loses out...

(related) I never thought, in my wildest dreams that I'd ever root for a Spice Girl (and a Russian!)...

Got a weird "ghost in the machine" in the network at my work...

and, it's only Tuesday.

But... it is finally snowing...

Praise be to Crom, Buddah, Allah, Muhammad (PBUH), Mr. Jesus H. Christ, Yaweh, Gaia, Earth Mother Goddess, Jehovah, Little Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Zeus, Odin, Ullir, Jupiter, the Zoroastrian god, Krishna, Kali, Vishnu, take your pick of various Shinto deities - and any of the other ones I left out. Please keep it up.

Crazed American, out.

1 comment:

Escape From Peoria said...

We're all crushed about the game.

I can't believe you watch Dancing with the Stars...I don't know how to react.

Thank all relavent deities for the white stuff!!!

And finally, your ghost issue, I have it on good authority from and old IT help desk tech that you may need to reboot everything. I works miracles!