24 December 2007

Uh, no...

Will Smith - Love ya Willie. Think you're a great actor. Love your films. Wasn't hot on Prince of Bell Air, but to each his own.

Comments like this will not get you invited to Xmas Dinner:

What really stood out is:
He says, "Even Hitler didn't wake up going, 'Let me do the most evil thing I can do today'.
"I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good'. Stuff like that just needs reprogramming."

Wrong, Big Willie Style. Little Adolf and the rest of his goose-stepping minions were evil.

To state for the record (and I have actually studied and have been tested on this subject - so at least myu professor would probably grant me some degree of authority on this subject), Adolf Hitler was evil. I don't hink any amount of post- modern, PC, moral relativistic, The View watching horsesh-t is going to change the fact that you don't accidentally wind up killing a good fraction of 100,000,000 people, Jews, Gypsies, Communists and French soldiers alike.

Hitler was a bad, bad man. Will - idea - next movie, play a scientist that looks like you and goes back in time to 1943 - in the Reich itself - maybe Western Poland, or Berlin itself. Make sure you get some historians to write this movie. See how long your character lasts...

Or will your character "get jiggy" in an extermination camp? (historian's note - by "get jiggy" I mean a suffering, lingering death by exposure to Zyklon-B)

Will - just a note - take one more step in the direction of Holocaust denial (you-re edging in that direction) and I'll stop going to your movies or buying your DVD's.

Or to make up for it - make a movie about a tank destroyer company (unit id escapes me right now), going up against Panzers...

Come on Will, I want to see I am Legend, I just haven't had time... Now I'm not so sure...

If done right - I'd pay to see that


Anonymous said...

Are you so stupid that you can't realize the difference between saying "Hitler was evil" and "Hitler thought what he was doing was good"? Do you really think Hitler continuously cackled to himself like Dr. Evil or something?

Low IQ dumbasses like you are the reason why Smith's innocuous statements are being treated as if he were a raving antisemite even though nothing of the sort is true.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for chiming in Jada Pinkett-Smith! Way to stick up for hubby. Nice to hear from you. Say hi to Will for me!

HossIsBoss said...

All I am saying, "Disgusted" is that wholesale murderers like Stalin and Hitler get special treatment. Anyone who says anything that can be construed as remotely positive about them or anyone like them, (Pol Pot comes to mind) gets a warning from this apparenlty widely read blog.

I didn't accuse Mr. Smith of being a raving anti-semite - in fact, if you re-read the post with your eyes open, you might see that I am actually something of a fan. Reading comprehension, not a strong suit, eh?

My post is merely cautionary. I suupose you would post on back an apology if in a year or two Mr. Smith's Betley is pulled over and he verbally accosts the arresting officers using anti-semetic hate speech?

Probably not.

My post merely serves as warning - my belief is that Hitler and Stalin were the personification of evil (did they cackle? I don't know or care - you have to know it is wrong to slaughter people by the millions), and that any attempt to rationalize their systematic extermination of people is, at best mis-guided, and at worst - acting as an apologist.

As I stated in my post - I am a fan of Mr. Smith, I plan on continuing to see his movies, until he gives me a reason to withdraw my support. My post was in the same tone that I would use if a friend of mine said something stupid.

I stand by my post.

On anther note, Disgusted, you're quite rude. Feel free to cross troaca.blogspot.com off of your daily read list (I don't post that often anyway).

All the best.

Anonymous said...

How f-cking dare anyone out there make fun of Will after all he has been through.!

He lost his aunt, he went through a divorce. He had two f-uckin kids.

His wife turned out to be a user, a cheater, and now he's going through a custody battle. All you people care about is….. readers and making money off of her.

HE’S A HUMAN! (ah! ooh!) What you don’t realize is that Will is making you all this money and all you do is write a bunch of crap about him.

He hasn’t performed on stage in years. His song is called “give me more” for a reason because all you people want is MORE! MORE-MORE, MORE: MORE!.

LEAVE HIM ALONE! You are lucky he even performed for you BASTARDS!

Perez Hilton talked about professionalism and said if Will was a professional he would’ve pulled it off no matter what.

Speaking of professionalism, when is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time.

Leave Will Alone Please…. !
Leave Will Smith alone!…right now!….I mean it.!

Anyone that has a problem with him you deal with me, because he is not well right now.