23 April 2008

Knock me over with a feather... (2nd Amendment blog)

Ladies and gentlemen, I the Crazed American have just read a post on Daily Kos.

Little background for some of you out there. The Crazed American is hard to pin down politically. I'm libertarian to a point (not the "no legal age of consent" point). I guess I am a Jeffersonian Liberal. I believe in freedom and the rights of people to exist without the burden of a "Anything for you / Do anything to you" government.

Daliy Kos is a "liberal" (borderline Marxist) "progressive" blog, that typically gets me with it's "liberal" knack for going way overboard in the Nanny State (Socialist) way. Oh, and the "President Bushitler is responsible for: (insert the name of your favorite calamity here)".

They are also typically mightily anti-Second Amendment. All for the rest of the Civil Liberties, except for #2.

So, I heartily endorse this link:

Go there and be amazed. "Angry Mouse" gets it. I think that he/she also realizes that if the American Government (the party in charge really doesn't matter, does it?) does get a little more aggressive in "taking care of the people", that the anti-gun people in this country (i.e. "anti-gun Liberals") are going to find out first hand what government and other kinds of oppression are really like.

Welcome to the club.

(Hat tip to "To Which I Replied..." http://existingthing.blogspot.com/ and "Say Uncle" http://www.saysuncle.com/archives/2008/04/22/liberals-and-guns/)

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