25 August 2012

The Empire State Massacre

I know, I know.  Two posts in one day.

So New York's finest, in the attempt to stop a murderer, end up shooting up a street full of people.

Video's out there.  Nine people shot, two dead, seven wounded.

Most, if not all of the wounded are having doctors pull NYPD issued slugs out of them.

For the longest time, NYPD has been criticized for their officer's tendencies to shoot to slidelock against a threat.  It's happened numerous times before.

Not to second guess the two patrol officers who responded to this threat and put down the murderer (well done) but ended up hitting seven times more innocent people than bad people in the process, but law enforcement agencies HAVE GOT TO increase their training.  Triggger control and advanced marksmaship training is key! SIRT, simunitions, shoot houses (virtual or real - hell have them play a Call of Duty knock off where their pay is docked $100 every time they shoot an innocent avatar)... the tech exisits.  Peace Officers have got to be trained better and to a higher standard with firearms.  It is hopefully the tool they use the least, but it is the ultimate tool to be equipped with.

I'm not saying for a moment that police shouldn't have firearms.  They should, and the Crazed American is of the mind EVERYONE should).  

Also, New York, Detroit and Chicago, how are those gun laws working out for you?  You've got the strictest gun control around and your gun violence rate is... The highest in the nation? Ah.  You obviously need more gun control.  If it ain't working?  Do it harder, right?

I live in a smaller-sized "big" city in the intermountain west.  We've got a population that is for lack of a better term, armed to the teeth. Liberal concealed and open carry laws.  When's the last time we had a massacre? We had a shooting in a mall a few years back.  Six people, including the shooter died that night.  Kicker? The mall was a "Gun Free Zone".  Thank G-d an off-duty cop (carrying concealed) was there to HELP stop the bad guy.

The Dark Night Massacre in Aurora, CO?  Gun-Free Zone

Sikh Temple in Wisconsin?  Although the President of the temple died like the Warrior-Poet he was, bloodied Kirpan in hand.

Virginia Tech?

Chicago (in general, some of the most draconian anti-gun laws in the nation), last weekend (13 dead in 30 minutes)?

Washington, DC (any day of the week - most restrictive firearms laws)?

New York (highly restricitve gun laws - permits to own only issues to celebrities or politically well connected), last week when hot dog vendors actually got into a firefight over selling hot dogs, or the Empire State shootings?

There's a common theme here, and I can go right on citing specific instances.

Allow me to sum up:

GUNS ARE NEVER GOING AWAY.  Technology is progressing to the point where people can print firearm  components and soon the ENTIRE FIREARM on a 3d printer.  IN METAL.

In America, the easiest places for criminal murderers to commit murder is in places where they know the least amount of resistance will be encountered.  People bent on murder are not all that concerned with having the felony trespass with a firearm added to their litany of criminal charges.  The death penalties from the 14 murder convictions kind of out weighs the minor felony count.

People have always snapped, maniacs exist and have existed since the beginning of time.  Like with the genius, the artist, the person of amazing abilities, sometimes people have (or get) their wiring messed up. They have or find a need to hurt and kill.  They have a need to make others (sometimes strangers) suffer.  As humans, not only are some models mentally damaged and need to kill, some are wired to figure out ways to end mayhem.  In pre-history, predators like that were quickly dispatched with a buffalo jawbone to the skull.  In Roman times, the Gladuis made quick work of the maniac.  We have modern technology and the ability to allow a 93 year old woman to defend herself from violent rape and murder by killing her two, twenty year old assailants.  Why do some of us fear tools?

You may not "like"guns, the mere sight of them might send you into a hoplophobic fit of pants-sh-tting hysteria.  I know people like this. Some of us do not have your mental problem, some of us are trained and have the tools to stop a maniac bent on spilling blood.  My guns are no more danger to you or any of my neighbors than the hammer or circular saw in your garage is to me.  If you're not planning on murdering me, mine or innocents near me, what do you have to fear?  I am trained, I am licensed, background checked, and I am held to a higher standard than most local, state and federal law enforcement officers.

Concealed Carry permit holders (at least in my state) are held to a higher background check level than police officers.  We obey the law.  So when there is a "Weapons prohibited" sign, who does that sign disarm?  Not the f--khead with the shotgun and pipe bombs who wants to redecorate the inside of the IKEA into a symphony of blood, fear and death.  It disarms his resistance.  Creates a lovely environment of Swedish furniture and terrified, screaming, running, crying panicked people and a few of them trying to figure out how to fashion the leg of a Diksuk chair into a club to keep the maniac from putting rounds into his wife, child, or fellow man.


Crazed American, out.

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