10 September 2013

So what happens...?

...  When the Syrians turn over all of their Chemical weapons?

I'm sure the Russians will be more than happy to release batch and date codes.  

Putin might just love the resultant loss of American face if the Syrian weapons are actually Iraqi, or worse, American weapons, given to the Iraqis. 

Why else is good ol' Bashar in such a hurry to get rid of his most powerful deterrent and leverage?  Could be he knows that after he "turns them ALL in". He can use them, but what if he knows that the Obama administration got backed into a corner by Kerry and Obama being rather dumb.  

This could really torpedo American credibility which is already taking on a lot of water.  

Interesting to think about the possibilities... Really wishing the Obama administration would really think before they make grand pronouncements.  

Do not construe this as me saying the Republicans would do an even remotely better job.  John McCain is a stooge who should be voted out of office.  Mitt Romney might have been "see which way the wind blows" enough to gauge the opposition to action, but who knows?

We'll see... 

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