03 November 2013

State of the (Personal) Union

Sorry for the dearth of posts, dear imaginary readers (or spambots from Russia). 

The Crazed American is coming to the realization that either I have made some serious career related mistakes, or I just need to do a better job in interviews. 

Also, my current situation is also revealing truths about the current state of the American Economy. 

Prices are up, wages are WAY down, no question.  Employers are asking for and apparently getting people to do work for way less than they used to.  I want to work for myself and want to move in the direction of self employment.   I'm old enough to admit, that I'm not an idea man, but I am one HELL of an implementer.  Therein lies the rub.

Anyone have any ideas? 

Got to keep positivity in my thoughts.  Have to keep plugging away.  Have to make a change for the better, even if the better is only the environment in which I toil.  I thank heaven for my wife and my daughter, my family near and far.  I am thankful for the BaseCamp, and the wealth I currently enjoy.  I admit, I'm whining and quibbling about details.  I want to find a new day job, one that suits me better than the one I currently have.

We'll see.  This week hopefully will bear fruit!


Crazed American, out.

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