17 July 2007


From the Article: http://www.sptimes.com/2007/07/17/Business/Cigarmakers_in_a_pani.shtml

As part of an increase in tobacco taxes designed to pay for children's health insurance, the nickel-per-cigar tax that has ruled the industry could rise to as much as $10 per cigar.

"I'm not sure in the history of man, since our forefathers founded the country in 1776, that there's ever been a tax increase of 20,000 percent," said Newman, who runs the Tampa business founded by grandfather Julius Caesar Newman. "They had the Boston Tea Party for less than this."

Indeed, Eric, indeed. Although I doubt you’ll find many Cigar Smokers who are willing to throw boxes of Cuesta-Rey’s into Tampa Bay.

The Crazed American still has one vice. That is an occasional good cigar. By occasional, I mean once every six months, if. If the prices of premium cigars (the kind I smoke) go up by $10 per stick, I will officially quit. Unofficially, I will put Glenn Frey on the stereo, buy a “cigarette” boat and sing the smuggler’s blues.

This all goes to pay for Children's Health Care - what happens when everybody stops smoking?

Not smart, Uncle Sam, but why am I surprised?

Crazed “Partagas Smoker” American, out.

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