24 September 2007

Heath Care / $$$

For all of my loyal readers (I think we're back down to two) I have found an excellent treatise on the state of "health care" in America.


Mark Steyn really nails it.

I reall liked this bit:
That last category is the one to watch: Americans 18-34 account for 18 million of the army of the "uninsured." Look, there's a 22-year-old, and he doesn't have health insurance! Oh, the horror and the shame! What an indictment of America!

And this:
So, out of 45 million uninsured Americans, 9 million aren't American, 9 million are insured, 18 million are young and healthy. And the rest of these poor helpless waifs trapped in Uninsured Hell waiting for Hillary to rescue them are, in fact, wealthier than the general population. According to the Census Bureau's August 2006 report on "Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage," 37 percent of those without health insurance — that's 17 million people — come from households earning more than $50,000. Nineteen percent — 8.7 million people — of those downtrodden paupers crushed by the brutal inequities of capitalism come from households earning more than $75,000.

Someone in our goverment not telling us the truth?!? LEaving out the details of statistics that their entire program is based on? Say it ain't so.

Socialism has never worked when it has been tried. National Socialism in Germany was by no means a model. (sorry, the Nazis were socialists - not "right wingers") Neither was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics a standard to look to. Medical care has moments of nightmarishness in Socialist countries (i.e. Britian and Canada).

The American system is by no means perfect - true we have some issues - but it's a damn sight better than having the US government getting more involved. By the way, if you are sick and go to an emergency room - you will get treated. Period. End of story. All Americans have 24-7 access to health care. It may not be cheap, it sure as hell ain't free to the American Taxpayer, but odds are you won't be left in the waiting room for weeks to die.

As a certain Presidential Candidate (that the Crazed American is definitely trending towards) said (I'm paraphrasing):

Any government powerful enough to do anything for you, is certainly powerful enough to do anything TO you.

Also, if we do go with some mandatory health care system - just how in the name of Mr. Jesus H. Christ can we expect to pay for it? HillaryCare is listed at $110 Billion a year (That's $110,000,000,000). It's a federal program. There's no way in my flag-waving mind that I can imagine that to: A) not go up even before it's implemented, and B) Not increase by 3-5% per year. In ten years we're lookign at over $150,000,000,000 per year. Twenty years out, national health care will cost (at a conservative guess) of ONE QUARTER OF A TRILLION DOLLARS per anum. Just to see the number of zeros: $250,000,000,000. Why not just give ever man, woman and child in the US $1,000 annually? Do my taxes get to go up over a thousand dollars in a year, every year?

I for one don't think it rational to bankrupt my child and for that matter my child's children's children just to satisfy some American's belief that Health Care is a right (not one listed in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, but who is counting?).

Freedom is what made this country great. Freedom to belive in what you want, to do what you want, to suceed and to fail. It's the freedom to do what you want.

Keep in mind that Congress currently has to extend our debt limit by $850,000,000,000 within the next couple of weeks. That's just to pay the interest on what debt we already have. Befiore some of you immediately have a knee jerk reaction and say that it's all Bush's fault, keep in mind that if Congress actually paid attention to control spending, and corruption and waste, we might be a tad better off. 'Cause right now we are looking at $10,000,000,000,000 in debt. All of the government is at fault. All of them are equally to blame.

So I'm going to have to go to a goverment decided doctor or not be able to work.
I'm going to have a crippling tax bill. (probably won't be able to avoid that one)
I can be prosecuted for ThoughtCrime. (already happened)
I will be told what to eat, and drink (food rationing) to keep me "healthy"
I will have my electricity and gasoline rationed for the good of the (you don't think that'll happen? What d'ya think will happen if someone like minded to Al Gore takes office with a like minded Congress?)
I'll be under constant surveilence, electronic and visual (already happened)
I'll have my water rationed (I live in the west)
How else would it be different from living in a socialist oligarchic utopia?
What else am I forgetting?

Where's the reset button?

1 comment:

Escape From Peoria said...

You're forgetting that we've been carrying this deficit around since 1790. Our country was in balance for the first three years we had a federal budget, and then we overdrew our account and never recovered.
Thank God the government dictates how banks are run! In fact, they are currently trying to restructure how banks handle overdrafts. The government wants to mandate that overdrawn checks be returned. So not only will the bank still charge you the overdraft fee, but whoever you wrote the check to gets to charge you as well! Mandated double charging, the government watching out for the public, Gotta Love It!