06 September 2007

It's is now official...

Fred Thompson is running for President...

Video of the announcement of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno:

Right now, the Crazed American is on the Thompson bandwagon. If, for no other reason than what the commentator Jim Geraghty (http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NWM2MTQ5Y2ZkNzNiMjk1OThjZTZkOGE2MTZmZDcwMmQ=) said:

"Is it just me, or does Thompson come across as a guy who just doesn't give enough of a hoot to pander? There was nothing artificial about him, nothing prepackaged. Not only does he not smell of desperate effort to be liked by the audience, he seems like he's equally happy with winning or with going home to a happy life with Jeri, the kids, and playing an authority figure in whatever upcoming television project Dick Wolf has. This does not seem like a man who will flip-flop depending on political winds; if you don't like him... he really doesn't seem to care."

This is why the Crazed American likes him. He does not give the impression of being hungry for power. He does seem to share the Crazed American's devotion to the Constitution of the US of A. He seems to love this country and it's people, and it's traditions.

For your consideration: Fred on Federalism: http://www.fred08.com/Principles/PrinciplesSummary.aspx?View=Federalism

Finally - someone who understands what Federalism should be!

Time will indeed tell. The Crazed American will carry this man's water until he gives me a reason not to. It is still really early in any normal campaign season.

But, ultimately the Crazed American wants all other Americans to do the smart thing... I just want people to spend a little bit of time, and read up on the candidates, and vote your conscience. Just vote for someone who might actually represent you...

Crazed American, out.

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