19 September 2007

WTF, over?

So I haven’t been real consistent about the whole “regular posting” thing.

But this one moved me to get a typin’!

(via http://wizbangblog.com/)


So, lemme get this straight…

Little while back the Syrians complained that Israel over flew their airspace.

Then it be came known that Israel did, indeed over fly Syrian airspace. Also, the Israelis admitted to dropping fuel tanks.

Then it leaked out and has become known that, OK, we didn’t drop fuel tanks, we dropped earth penetrating laser and satellite guided bombs, that were probably guided in by Israeli commandos who were inside Syria.

Against a Syrian / Iranian / North Korean NUCLEAR WEAPONS LAB, in Syria.

The Israelis are acting like it’s no big deal. They Syrians, and their brand spanking new Russian Air Defense Network that just got installed, aren’t screaming about it. Estimates are that around 100 people, Syrians and North Koreans, were turned into chunky salsa by the attack.

Yet this gets almost no coverage in the American media?

When the Crazed American heard ‘bout all of this, he spilled his coffee.


Hello? Anyone?


I ask why is there no coverage of:
1) an illicit Nuclear Weapons Program by the Syrians and North Koreans
2) an Israeli military operation to eliminate a “clear and present danger”
3) Russian made (Syrian Operated) Air Defenses suck
4) Israeli ground attack pilots still have what it takes
5) Was this a dress rehearsal for a strike against Iranian nuke ops?
6) Any comment from the Honorable Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D – California) for giving aid and comfort to a country (anyone remember her much lauded visit to Syria, a while back) that was either developing, or storing offensive nuclear material?
7) Anyone think that if we looked in Syria we might find a bunch of Chemical and Bio Weapons with Iraqi manufacturing and date codes from the late 80’s to late 90’s? I mean if they were willing to possibly store stuff for the North Koreans, you mean to tell me that they wouldn’t do the same for a fellow Baathist (the Late Saddam Hussein Al- Tikriti)?!?

Most importantly – why has there been such a silence about this? Normally there’d be UN condemnation, protests in the street in Damascus, Gaza and Tehran, and a bevy of American politicans decrying such a blatantly hostile act. But now – nothing?

Me thinks the Syrians and North Koreans (and our Speaker of the House, sadly) are scared that the Israelis may have one thing that seriously put a hole into their plans – evidence and / or prisoners.

Way to go Israel. The Crazed American tips his hat to you…

1 comment:

Escape From Peoria said...

I'm sorry...what does his have to do with OJ? I don't follow... ; )