08 July 2008

Quick political rant

OK, dear reader(s) -- -

Looks like (at this moment in time, and that can change, 'cause all parties involved are incredibly dumb at times), We soon will have a President Barack Hussein Obama (will Chief Justice Roberts be allowed to say his middle name when he's administering the oath of office?!?).

I am no thrilled by this prospect. I am ever so slightly more enthusiastic about John "Mr. Global Warming Cap and Trade wealth redistribution" McCain.

At this point I have to vote for McCain. There is one scenario that might see me vote the other way, though...

In a nightmare scenario - McCain goes for some segment of the electorate and picks the religious bigot Mike Huckabee as his VP. To further that nightmare, Obama picks someone out of right field, to some unexpected, to some expected: Former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, USA (Ret.).

If that confluence of events transpires, I vote for the "skinny kid with the big ears and the funny name".

We'll see...

Either way, I am not thrilled at the prospects. Although either of them is better than Hillary!, so I guess I'm lucky in that regard...

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