19 September 2008


Fascinating times in which we live.

Two unimpressive candidates running for President.

The war in Iraq is winding down. If all goes as it looks like it might the US can probably claim a victory. Afghanistan is still a work in progress.

Stock markets are all over the place.

Global economy seems to be teetering on the edge of something.

Bailouts might double the size of the Federal Debt.

So the important question I have to put to the assembled legion of loyal reader(s):

Do I sign up for NetFlix?

...and what appetizer goes best with Mojitos?



Escape From Peoria said...

Is it any wonder I have yet to back a winner? Ever since turning 18 I have had no one worth voting for, so instead I vote my conscience…fat lotta good that has done.

I am voting for Obama/Biden, only because I find them less scary than the McCain/Palin team.

Will they manage the change they talk about? Probably not, because there are still PACs, special interests groups, and f’ing congress to thwart any real change.

Will taxes go up? Sure, but not for me, they’ll tax the uber-rich.

Will the national debt go down? Maybe…but I won’t hold my breath. I would be happy if they would just include the expense of the war in the annual budget for a change. In my opinion, it was emergency spending in 2001 and 2002, after which it was simply an expense.

While they may try to ban certain kinds of rifles, all that will do is increase the market price of those already available. The key is to own more than you need going in, so you can sell the extras to offset those you keep. The Supreme Court already upheld my right to own guns, so I don’t have to worry about someone coming along to collect mine. Additionally, if new gun laws are even talked about before the current ones are enforced, I have no doubt we’ll read about it here first. : )

Ultimately, the real answers you seek are thus…

Netflix is awesome, I have been a member for 4+ years, and never had a problem. There’s a new box that you can get, which allows you to watch their “on-demand” selections on your TV.

As for the other…Chicken Quesadillas are my vote!

HossIsBoss said...

The Chosen One will probably win.

So i hate to sound like a supply sider, but what happens when the Righteous One raises taxes on the "Uber-Rich" and the "Uber-Rich" decide to move their business to China (Which has a much lower tax rate)?


The Almighty One wants to raise the taxes on the "Uber Rich".


Yeah, right.

Less investment in America (Except by foreigners who don't have to pay taxes)...

F-ck 'em both. Again, if the Anointed One hadn't picked Biden and would lay off the Chicago Machine Politics Stratagem, then we might have been able to work out an Official Crazed American Endorsement...

We need a viable third party that stands for common sense and libertarian (Jeffersonian) Ideals.

Don't matter much, 'cause if the credit market implodes, it really will be a matte of rearranging deck chairs...