03 September 2008

Sarah Palin


Haven't been commenting on the conventions. Sorry about that.

I don't like Joe Biden - I have to admit that when he talks I get a bout of "sudden onset Colitis" - needless to say, I didn't watch his speech.

Did watch (and listen to) Senator Obama speak. Well done piece of rhetoric. Nice Greek columns.

Did watch Michael Steele, Romney, Huckabee, Guiliani, the Governor of Hawai'i and Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska speak this evening.

Durn good speech.

The libertarian (small L) Crazed American likes all of the talk of lower taxes and less government. Can I just vote for her?

(Before I get any comments about some form of contrived hypocrisy that some might try to find with the whole abstinence only education that Governor Palin put into effect and the pregnancy of her 17 year old daughter, I would say "Teenagers have been having sex for the longest time" and I don't have to agree with every position to elect someone to be my voice in a future government - I only need to have someone who shares a good portion of my views)

So I put forth to you items that the Crazed American Holds dear - my checklist, if you will:

1) Freedom - Small (tiny really: Interstate Highways, Courts, National Defense, FAA, FDA - you can shove the balance of it to the states - who should be handling those things anyway) Gov't - The Crazed American Votes for who will decrease the size and scope and power of the American Government - McCain's McCain/ Feingold Campaign Finance Reform act stifles the 1st Amendment and protects entrenched incumbents. Obama Talks a good game but has nothing by which to judge. Biden is a j@ck@$$. Advantage: McCain/Palin

2) Lower Taxes - Who ever will keep my taxes lower, I will support. It is a proven effect. When you lower taxes, the economy grows, and the government gets more dough. Advantage: McCain/Palin

3) Abortion - the Crazed American has to take a - SHOCK - Hillary! position - I think it should be safe, legal and above all: rare. It should be left up to the states to decide. I do not find any mention of it in the Constitution, therefore according to the letter of the law, it is not an issue that the Federal Gov't should be concerned with. Don't Care - not an issue for me, 'cause I realize that President's don't get to make laws - they enforce them. Advantage: DRAW

4) Drugs - The War on Drugs is a massive waste of money. Increase funding into addiction research, legalize certain things, but otherwise treat it as the medical problem that it is. Advantage : DRAW

5) 2nd Amendment: Obama and Biden are both stridently for taking way the right to bear arms from Americans. McCain has stated that me might vote for another inappropriately named "Assault Weapons Ban". The Right Honorable Madame Governor has been hunting Moose, Elk, Bear, and assorted other mega fauna, has been an outspoken proponent for American to keep and bear arms. Advantage: McCain/Palin.

So, already shaping up that I cannot support Obama/Biden (Biden's a tool - I really am not big on Senator Obama's running mate choice). Someone said the Obama's written two autobiographies, but has yet to write or sponsor a single piece of legislation. McCain and Palin have at the least, done something concrete that people can point.

I would like to say that I respect Gov. Palin.

Palin '12? Too early?

Joe Biden is a blowhard that likes to hear himself talk.

(Still Political, though)

I have a feeling that the long knives in the good ol' Democrat Party are about to come out. Were on the verge of a little internecine warfare. Hillary! will not want to run for President when she's 72... If she wants to be President, then Obama can't win (or if he does - he'll be a single term president). Make no mistake, the Clintonites are still out there and still a viable force. Legion are those who have underestimated the Clintons and suffered for it.

I wouldn't be surprised if just before election day Hillary and Bill pull the rug out from Obama/Biden...

This is going to be a d-mn interesting race...

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