23 September 2008


So I signed up - let's see how many movies I can watch while still being a productive member of society, shall we?

Quick Movie Review:

I Am Legend

Will Smith can act, however, so can the dog. Dang. That dog and Will were good. Will may be a Scientologist now, but, I still like his movies... Sue me. Wish it had gone a tad closer to the book, but still a watchable film.

Rating: $4.25 (got my money's worth) (do not need to own)


Good flick, entertaining as heck. Michael Bay should really try to let the camera stay stationary once...

Rating: $4.25 (got my money's worth) (do not need to own)


Escape From Peoria said...

I have yet to be disappointed with my monthly Netflix payment. I will say that I have probably bought fewer than 12 DVDs in the last 4 years because of it. When you can have almost any movie within a day or two of deciding you want to see it, why buy?

Was it just me, or would Transformers have been better if the transformations were less detailed and slower, so you could appreciate the CGI?

HossIsBoss said...

Excellent point - have had it for a week now - love it!

+1 on your Transformers suggestion...

But, a) it's Michael Bay, and b) no one believes in less is more in America any more...