24 January 2013

Business in the XXIst Century, Part III

Well, I had a good long post all sketched out...  then I saw an incredible piece in Forbes.

Sums it up.  You also know you're in trouble when you find yourself and the majority of your coworkers in this list.  Leadership and Loyalty are absolutely a two way street.  You cannot have loyalty unless a good leader inspires it.  You cannot have effective leadership, unless you have loyal followers, willing and able to be led.  You can lead through fear, shaming and  intimidation, but only for a short while.  Your people will either rise up and quit, in the case of the modern workplace, or set you up for humiliating failure.

Personal anecdote:  It is never a good sign when pointing out the disparity between two operating groups of the company to joke that the entrance door to where the downtrodden toil should be ensconced with the words, "Arbeit Macht Frei", and the Human Resources Director, after inquiring what it translates into (Work Makes You Free), has to be explained as to why that's not a good idea...

Oh, historical context...

Then I notice another stellar article in Forbes, this one dealing failures and misconceptions in leadership.

Then this one that talks about the 7 most common habits of ineffective corporate "Leaders".  This one sticks with me because it's astounding that the companies I have worked for that eventually failed, all failed when their "leaders" started crossing these off as "accomplished"...
Read up folks...

Crazed American, out!

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