03 January 2013

The Economy Sucks in Argentina?!

Then it must be time to rattle some sabers!!

By way of the Telegraph, this link speaks on a subject I do know something about...

So the economy sucks, future is bleak in Argentina, so what does Madame Kirchener decide?  Let's take back islands that haven't been ours in a couple of centuries, and we fought a short, and bloody war for back in the early 1980's.  Rattle sabers!

Granted, the nation Formerly Known as Great Britain, is in no shape to defend her possessions   There is a squadron of British fighters on the island, but the none-to-shabby Argentine Air Force and Naval Aviation, if done with a touch of the old commando style small unit airfield raid, get air dominance damn quick.

The Argentine's are no dummies.  They have a decent military, and I'm sure no one in Flag level positions in the Argentine chain of command didn't sit the 1982 war out.  Long story short, if the Argentines are willing to risk a bit, they could have those islands back, pretty damn quick.

The US President has also, through his use of the term Malvinas, and well known distaste for the British, indicated just where his administration stands.  Aside from it's submarines and a few surface ships, the UK can't project power.  No more carriers, no more carrier aircraft.

Unlike in 82, when Reagan helped out a bit, they shouldn't count on much from us, this time, NATO obligations included.

Interesting times, we'll see what happens...

Crazed American, out.

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