25 January 2013

Hypothetical Mind Exercise - The American Schism


Vis a vis, the 1st Amendment says that I can also just say:  fuck you Echelon or whatever you're called now-a-days (algorithm on a server in Bluffdale, UT) - that's why.

OK kids, time to bring this up the topic of what comes after, again, and it's looking more and more reasonable every G-d-damned day.  I know this is not the first time I've brought this up, so I'll refund you what you paid to read this... that's right, nothing.

No one can deny this formerly United States of ours is beginning to fray a bit about the edges.  In every locale there are those who want to tell other how to live.  I am struck by this.  I want to tell no one how to live.  Friends of mine, people I respect, are showing STUNNING levels of hypocrisy.  A proudly gay man that I know and am happy to call my friend, is stridently for the equal rights for all (as am I), but in the same breath tells those of us who own firearms: you should be registered like sex offenders.

What say we look at this from a hypothetical standpoint.  I, as stated before, am an American without a political party.  I feel unrepresented.  I am a liberty minded, equal rights proponent who believes in small government, small taxes, and maximum freedom.  I believe that if I want to drive my gas guzzling truck to a 7-11 and buy a 64 oz soda, I should be allowed to.   Also, if my doctor decides that painkillers are what I need, they should not be rationed by non-medical bureaucrats.  I think government should no be involved in the marriage business. I KNOW I am not alone in my political feelings.

I believe in due process of law.  I feel the law should be enforced equally to all people.  If something is illegal, then the criminal that performs said act, no matter their position or political standing (NBC's David Gregory and his DC Illegal 30 Round AR15 Magazine) should ever receive an exemption.  There can be no exemptions from law.  If a law requires an exemption, it is a bad law, and should be stricken.  If there are exemptions to laws, then selective enforcement is automatic.  Selective enforcement of law is TYRANNICAL by nature.  Those in power will selectively allow the law to be applied for political gain.  In modern America this happens all too often.

Currently, the two political parties are simply Pro-Statist. There is no difference between the two of them, except one is Anti-Gun, and the other is anti-Abortion and anti-gay.  Both want to limit choice and limit freedom.  Both are about the exertion of control over the population.  Fuck 'em both, I say, in the common vernacular.

What about those of us out there who just want to be left alone?  What if these political issues are insurmountable  and the controls some want to put into law are intolerable to some of us.  How do we go our own way?  Put us in KZ and reservations?  What if we tried to split up amicably?

I see it happening that the USA will, over the next few years, unless acted upon by some natural or unforeseen geo-political calamity, dissolve into 3 or more disparate units.  I see the USA continuing on, in the blue state model, of New England, NewYork, New Jersey, Maryland, and parts of Eastern Pennsylvania.  They'll be along the statist, semi / soft socialism model that currently permeates those governments.  New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine "might" eke out it's own existence, since they are more liberty and accountable government minded, but the proximity to the more (currently) economically powerful states like MA and CT might keep them in check.  the great Lakes states, to include Michigan and Illinois will also be part of this coalition.  Their Constitution will be the original document with it's modern interpretation.  They will be for higher taxes and more government services and safety nets.  (Which in the interest of full disclosure, I find rationally unsustainable).

The next major block I see forming is the new Texas Federation, following along greatly within the former states of the Confederacy (Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana).  Also adding into his block will be Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, the inter-mountain states of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Idaho, portions of Colorado (West of the City-Sate of Denver).  Areas of Eastern Oregon, Washington and Northern California will be added quickly.  Norther provinces of Mexico might petition for entry into the Federation.  It would not be outside the realm of possibility to see the Western Canadian provinces to petition membership.   Based solely on current and near term economic projections, the States in my proposed Federation, will continue to be the economic powerhouse that they currently are.  The Constitution of the Federation will be a more literally interpreted US Constitution.  They, according to current rhetoric and political atmosphere, will be more a proponent of liberty, with smaller taxes, and fewer services.

The mid-Atlantic states are the toss-up.  Ohio, Kentucky, the Carolinas, the Virginia  even into the Missouri and even eastern Colorado.  They represent a good deal of resources (tax-base) and agricultural wealth to whatever country they end up being a part of.

I would hope that the schism could be reached amicably. Why shouldn't it - as the debt load we are assuming eventually will cause a default anyway?  Each of the new countries would create a new currency, the basis of a new economy.  Those enlightened new founding fathers and mothers hopefully would forgo the influence of the modern international banking cartel, but who knows... those bastards have more than a little responsibility in the mess we are currently in.  Each of the former states of the union assume all of the infrastructure and military assets contained within their borders.  Of course, Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas could become the most powerful nation on Earth, when you takes the missile fields into account.

hahahahaha...  I really crack myself up sometimes...  It won't be amicable, it won't be nice.  Object lesson of the 1860's provided in many history books for you.

My point is this, this country as we know it is only here for a limited time.  It, like every other creation of man has a finite life.  What comes next?  When?  To assume the Experiment of the USA would continue into the infinite, especially in it's current, corrupt form, is illogical at best, delusional at worst.

I still believe in American Exceptionalism  but America has never been perfect.  Slavery and resultant racism was a blight for the majority of our history.  Various groups put down by the evil majority of democracy (I believe pure democracy is just as evil, if not more, than other forms of government, 'cause in a pure democracy, the majority - ethnic, religious, economic - always rules).

So I ask you, dear reader...  Even if it involved moving, where would you like to live?  The Free City-State of Miami? The Democratic Republic of Los Angeles?  The Republic of Deseret, of the Texas Federation?  The Duchy Of Duluth?

Just some musings on a Thursday night and a Friday morning...

More to follow...

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