07 September 2006

I'm done with it!

No more news! I'm taking a break from the spin obsessed, party driven rat race.

I can't stand the lack of impartiality in the news, with so called "journalists" (Left and Right) parading their opinions as fact. I am truly done with spin.

Note to all politicians: If there is ever a non partisan candidate that runs for any office, and I can vote for them, I will. I can't stand Democrats (especially for they have no ideas, aside from being against anything the President is for) or the Republicans (who have ideas, but most of them are bad).

Why can no one in office think for themselves?

So for the next week, I will not go to the news sources that I previously frequented. At the end of that week (after all of the self flagellation / hero worship that 9/11x5 brings).

Somebody let me know if something really big and important happens?

Third party, anyone?

Why the sudden change of heart?

Read this:

This would be political censorship of a filmed work. Not that this work portrayed itself as anything other than a dramatization based on a variety of sources. If this really happens, this is a bad portent. This means that if you don't like someone saying something about someone or something that you did, even in an artistic endeavour, then if you have money fame or power, you can apply physical pressure to have it curtailed or redacted.

If the reports are true, we are in a REAL bad place as a nation.

Of course, in this "Nation of Laws" money, fame and power can allow one to do quite a bit.

If anyone needs me, I'll be at the grocery store loading up on canned goods, for this has to be a sign of the coming Apocalypso... (Good Jimmy Buffett Song)

Or am I just Crazed?

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