24 July 2006

NAU – North American Union

NAU – North American Union

Jerome Cosri – has a piece - http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=16134

Also figures into Jack McDevitt's Engines of God. Not a bad book...

One really bad idea…

Since when has this “super -nation state” thing been such a good idea? Has the European Union really been that astounding? Hell, they all don’t even still have the same currency. Their economy (ies) are still not exactly wowing the economists of the world. The French may have gotten rid of the frank, but I doubt the average Frenchman considers himself a citizen of the Mighty European Union. That was evidenced by the defeat of the supposed European constitution a while back in France and Denmark.

It is working out in Europe to an extent. Who’s to say that it would work here? If the United States became a part of a proposed North American Union, I doubt the world would change greatly, but what change did happen would not be happy change.

The modern nation state has been around for a while – and even though most nations are slouching toward socialism, the concept of Westphalian nation states has, for the most part, worked out pretty well.

I am firmly convinced that humanity will be irrevocably changed by bureaucracy. I dislike bureaucracy and all its forms. This is the true curse saddled upon the world by the Chinese. The Confucian system saw it codified for the firs time, and since then it has been perfected by a number of governments, but has truly found it’s stride in the American system. If you don’t believe me, ask anyone who has had to deal with our noble warriors of ICS the Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

For example, I know someone named “Sara” who jumped through hoops that circus performers were scared of, to get into the country to get married. Took her years to get all of her paperwork squared away. During the time of filling out forms and paying fees, untold thousands of illegals crossed the border from Mexico.

She should have just went to Mexico on holiday and paid a couple of hundred dollars to Al Akbar Ahmad Ramdi -Gomez (friendly neighborhood Islamo-Nazi “Mexican” human smuggler), and skipped across the border. Easy, no muss no fuss.

Let this missive not be construed as an anti-immigrant rant. I know immigrants of all nationalities and legal status. The VAST preponderance of them come to his country in search of a better life. Doesn’t change the fact that the act of illegal immigration is still illegal. And for full disclosure, if there was a better job market in Mexico, Mexico had a terribly porous border (they currently do not) and ridiculous immigration laws, and my family was going hungry – Hasta la pasta, I’ll Western Union you with my first paycheck!

News Flash: The vast preponderance of Mexican illegals do not want US citizenship. They are proud of Mexico and their heritage as Mexicans. It is as simple as this, if you are poor in Mexico, your children may starve. If you are poor in the United States, you may not be able to top off the tank of your car with gas, as you drive your kids to soccer practice after getting burgers at Ruby Tuesday’s. (I am not belittling the poor in America - poeple do have hard lives, but no one can deny that American poor have it much better off than poor people in Somalia - we have fewer lions).

If there weren’t Islamo-Nazis in the world who wish for the destruction of the Western mode of civilization, I’d say open them borders right on up! Let the free market decide how resources get allocated. The American Dream of freedom and property will definitely light the way. It is too bad we are saddled with bureaucracy and a nanny state. Some, in power, apparently feel as though we need to create MexiAmeriCanada in order to be competitive with the non-competitive Europeans.

The same Europeans who in 10 years will all be part of a growing Islamist Caliphate, anyway…

But then again, what do I know? I’m just a paradoxically contradictory nationalistic Libertarian gun-nut.

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