20 July 2006

Political Questions

What the hell is worng with politicians?
When did America become an oligarchy?
How in the name of all that is good and just does Senator Edward Kennedy continually get reelected?
Why have Americans effectively raised the little white flag and surrendered their independence?
Why do the vast majority of us believe only what we want to hear?
Where has true, inspiring leaders in Congress and the executive branch gone?
Why don't the vast majority of Americans vote? Do they see the lack of leadership and the candidates thay have to choose from are both not very good?
Are we, as a country and as a world, really screwed?

These are the questions that bug me from day to day. Welcome to my world.

Author's note to everyone (ESPECIALLY POLITICIANS): If you complain about a problem without a suggestion for resolution, you are, in fact, whining. Either tell the American people what your ideas area and why they are better, and why they will work. Otherwise STFU.

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