09 February 2008


So I have to vote for John McCain. Can't really bring myself to vote for either of the two Marxists opposing him.

Please Senator McCain, select a Fred Thompson, or Mitt Romney (or Bill Richardson, for that matter) as your VP. Hell, Joe Lieberman falls on the right side of the fence when it comes to the war on terror, and he's a man of principle... It'll make election day a little easier for some of us.

If you really wanted to pull the rug out on the Democrats, a certain Secretary of State is a triple threat - she has some conservative cred, is female and black... Just sayin'...

I'll vote for you, but it'll take some work to make you "my guy". The Crazed American also reserves the right to say "I told you so."

***New Topic***

SIRIUS Elvis Radio and SIRIUSly Sinatra are the coolest parts of having Satellite TV (aside from everything HD).

***New Topic***

The Mountian Redoubt is just about buried. This has been a da-n fine snow year. Hope it doesn't melt all at once - I'd feel really bad abou the flooding downhill and downstream. We've already had more snow this season than all of last season put together. I hope this bodes well for the future.

On that topic, some Canadian Scientists are thinking we might be entering the Maunder Minimum. IF that's true - hello mini ice age! If we go into an ice age, I "might" be able to convince Mrs. Crazed American to let me get a snow blower.


On that happy note, the Crazed American is heading out to clean out my bore hole to the fire hydrant in my front yard. I went through four feet of snow just to get to the top of it...

Crazed American, out.

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