06 February 2008

Super Tuesday?

Now it's over. Time to look at the way it shaped up.

John McCain is now the "presumptive front runner". Good for him.

The Crazed American predicts a McCain / Huckabee ticket - since they were so good at colluding with each other in West Virginia. That's the foundations of teamwork.

John McCain is not liked by the vast majority of conservatives out there.

The Crazed American is of the mind that aside from bankruptcy, the lack of secure borders is the biggest issue facing our country today. John McCain ain't going to do much to fix it, that much is obvious.

It's going to be real hard for me to vote for a McCain / Huckabee ticket, unless: there is a Clinton / Anybody or Anybody / Clinton ticket in opposition. I may have to vote for the same guy I voted for in 1996 - my Dad...

Hillary Clinton is a Marxist - really she is bad news, cause she's just going to keep going with that "43" started - the bankrupting of America. Also, if you look into the Clinton's closet - there are a bunch of skeletons - literal skeletons in there. People who get in her way, typically end up disgraced, or commit suicide, or dissapear. Really - look into it... If she ends up as Veep - don't be suprised if she's not Veep for long...

We need a President who can lead - lead and inspire the people of this country, and stop and reverse the road to bankruptcy, secure the borders and stop the (name your boogeyman) from killing American Citizens. Aside from Sen. Obama, and Gov. Romney's ability to give good speeches, I'm not sure who is out there that fits the bill. No one in my opinion.

We very well might get royally screwed. But someone famous once said - "The Americans can be sure of one thing - they always get the government they deserve."

Does anyone know the procedure for foreclosing on a country? Can you foreclose on a country that's spends a large part of it's mortgage on the most powerful and capable military force in the recorded history of the planet?

Aside from destroying the credit rating of the US, what's to say we don't just wake up one morning and delcare our debt is gone and forgiven? Unilaterally - won't that drop the Chinese and in domino fashion the global economy through the floor? People would stop investing in the US - permanently - or just for a while? One thing is certain - American manufacturing would find itself in a bit of a Renaissance. If the Global Trade system fell apart - how long would it take for the pieces to get picked up? By whom would they get picked up? Sure there would be some hardship on theparts of some - prices in America for the cheap items we enjoy from China might be elevated, but that kind of thing could be prodeced locally or in Mexico.

What if there was a breif, and relatively bloodless war with China - couldn't that be a "way" to relieve our debt to the Chinese?

All of this money is in 1s and 0s in a computer anyway... What if there was a calamity, natural or man made, that caused a disruption in the global communications and banking systems?

The Crazed American is concerned for the future of his beloved homeland. I know that the American people are currently the freest, most capable people on the planet. We'll figure it out - it just may be a little rough getting to the figuring part...

Just musing out loud...

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