05 February 2008

Political Rant

Attention Readers:

I am now going to use this blog as a political scratch pad before I head on out and vote.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
Senator Barck Hussein Obama

Senator John McCain
Former Governor Mitt Romney
Former Governor Michael Huckabee
Congressman Doktor Ronald Paul

OK - How the Crazed American's Vote calculus works out: (if registered R/ if registred Independent)
Democrat: (Crazed American doesn't remember if he's still a registered Republican - long story)
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton - 0.0% / 0.0% - Closed Primary State
Senator Barck Hussein Obama - 0.0 / 100.0% - Closed Primary State

Senator John McCain 10.0% - just can't jump on the "Straight Talk Express"
Former Governor Mitt Romney - 75.00% - not thrilled on his stance(s) on a number of issues, but if it's Romney or McCain - I have (?) to go with Romney
Former Governor Michael Huckabee - 5.00% - he is a Southern Baptist - Anti-Mormon Bigot
Congressman Doktor Ronald Paul - 0.0% - although I like some of the pro constitution platitudes that he mouths - he has not been quite able to quash the impression that I have that he is more than a tad Anti-Semitic. That's a deal breaker for this Crazed American.

So who will the Crazed American vote for?

I am a man without a candidate - I have no political leader at the moment whose water I'd happily carry. Still kind of dazed and confused from Fred! dropping out. I'm not a fan of McCain, I'm not a fan of Romney. There's an equal chance of me voiting for Sen. Hillary Rodham "more of the same" Clinton. I like Barak Obama, not thrilled with his politics, but as a speaker, leader and man, I think he's cool. If Barak Obama pledges to reduce the national debt, and safeguard the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to law abiding citizens as it currently is on the books, I'd run out right now and get an Obama bumper sticker.

Since I think that I have to vote Republican, my choice is not a happy one - I'm truthfully not sure who I'll press the touchscreen for in this Primary.

Of course when it comes to the National Election, my choice is easy -
If it's Clinton vs. McCain, I'll be for McCain, no sweat.
If it's Obama vs. McCain, I'm frankly not that sure (but I'm actually leaning in the Obama direction).
If it's Obama vs. Romney, again not sure - leaning Romney. In that case - the debates will be mighty interesting - two excellent orators going at it, in a hopefully reasoned and civilized manner. If Clinton is VP with Obama, all bets are off. I'm not saying that she'll arrange for a conveneient accident for President Obama, but it wouldn't be the first time that a Clinton was connected with a "suicide" (Vince Foster, et al) ... (Please Senator Obama, do not select Hillary Clinton as your running mate - if you do, whatever stand you have with me or the legion of Crazed Americans vanishes - poof)

Clinton vs. Paul (who knows) - I'll be unavailable - I'll be out building and stocking a bomb shelter.

As if you could not tell, this blog is not a fan of Hillary Rodham Clinton. I'm not a huge fan of the former President, either, but I'd sit down and have a beer with William Jefferson Clinton, long before I'd consider to do the same with his Marxist "wife".

Senator Clinton, I might be singing a different tune if you had divorced him after leaving the White House. I mean really - you can't even control the wanderings of your "husband" how do you propose to lead a country of almost 400 million?

And please - stop it with the tears. If you cry during a politcal campaign, how are you going to react if / when the US gets attacked again? Unless you're performing a bit of political theatre and plying for sympathy (then you're just deceitful - shocker), you'll make Jimmy Carter look like sweater wearing version Captain America - twin .45's blazing.

Crazed American - ready to sit on a mountaintop and wait for it all to end,


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