20 February 2008

Way to go, Squids!

I am not going to include links on this - trust me when you read this, you'll know what's up.

Three Cheers for the US Navy!

First try, by the way.

Too bad it happened round the same time that the NY Times decided it doesn't, after all, like Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee.

Take that Russkies and Chi-coms... our "test" worked - and apparently can be used from any Aegis equipped cruiser with the right modifications... We have what - 70 or so of those - not to mention, I think the Imperial Japanese Navy ( I mean Maritime Defense Force) has a few of them, too...

Battle over funding between the Navy and the Air Force begins in: three, two, one... right about now.

The Crazed American is stoked to be American tonight.

Hey, President Regan... You were right about that "SDI" Star Wars thing.

Someone should tell the Democrats in Congress who want to kill Missile / Satellite Defense - we have something that works...

Way to go, Navy (who I'm sure got a big assist from the Air Force - sensors and the like)!

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