21 May 2008

For the Record: I love Indiana Jones Movies

I have seen all of them to be able to quote from them at length.

A while back I read a summary of the proposed Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men from Mars. I thought - cheesy: nuclear explosions, alien relics and space ships.


From CNN.com:http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Movies/05/21/bts.indiana.jones/index.html

Early reviews of the latest Indiana installment have been mixed, but the Harlem audience was firmly in Indiana's corner. "It gets 10 stars," said one audience member, Robert Egbert. "The sound effects were crazy and the action was off the hook. I loved the space ship!"

I may have to hate George Lucas. Can Congress do something useful? Call it the Han Solo Shoots First Act, it would be to restore Han Solo killing Greedo in Star Wars IV, and then forbidding George Lucas from being allowed to make (or change) any more movies.

I mean really. Don't get me wrong, I am going to see the new Indy Flick tomorrow, (and rewatch Temple of Doom and Last Crusade tonight), but I swear, on the Precious Felt of the Hallowed Fedora (Peace Be Upon It), this movie had better not suck. I am not expecting Schindler's List, or Lawrence of Arabia, but I had better be entertained and not have my (admittedly limited) intelligence mocked. I don't have the highest expectations, but I expect a good, escapist romp, by the Powers of the Almighty Bullwhip (PBUI).

I'll let you know.

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