22 May 2008

It did not suck.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Started GREAT. First 60 minutes were fabulous.
Next 30 minutes were good.

'bout the time we got to the last waterfall I found myself muttering "come on".

Moose remarked that we probably witnessed the greatest feat of Russian engineering, and amphibious vehicle that didn't rust to a stop at the first contact with water.

The ending was a tad, well, shall I just say that it could have been better.

Brought the Young Indiana Jones Adventures in to the official lore - nice.

Overall, initial reaction is that I would rank it just behind Temple of Doom. But not by much.

Highest complement I can pay a film (and I have seen a lot) - "I got my money's worth"

Acting was great - Harrison Ford's older than my Dad. Impressive that he did the majority of his own stunts. Kudos.

John Hurt was great - would have liked to know that character a bit better.

Dr. Jones, I got my money's worth.

Wish Sean Connery had been in it.

Also, note to film directors. This movie is entered as Exhibit #23516625442 that just because you CAN do super fantastic special effects, doesn't necessarily mean you have to. Sometimes less is more...

I have ideas as to where the Indiana Jones films should go from here. That's for a later post.

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