03 April 2009

Still here...

What with the US government passing a 3.6 trillion dollar "budget", the NorKs getting ready to touch off their "Roman Candle", the Chinese government confident enough in their new "SuperCarrier Killer" that they leak it to the press, and other, not too pleasant things happening in the Crazed American's personal arena, I've been a tad preoccupied.


Hopefully in a few days I'll be able to post a snarky comment about the failed NorK Missile. Or a realtively deatiled analysis of Japanese Air and Ballistic missile defense. Or a snarky post about Michelle Obama giving the Queen of England a nice big hug (according to about oh, three thousand years of accepted protocol, you do NOT hug a sitting Monarch - sh*t, even I know that). Oh, and Mr. President, the Queen already had an iPod.

Maybe I already got the snarky Obama post out of the way.

Freedom and Liberty,

The Crazed American

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