30 April 2009

Swine Flu

My spider-sense is a tickling.

They just closed my daughter's school (and the rest of the district) 'till Monday...

Either it's worse than they are letting on, or...

Let's just say I'd rather pick it being worse than they are letting on. Either way somebody is at the least managing our expectations, or outright lying to us, for some other nefarious purpose. What that is, I keep to myself - in the dark recesses of my fevered mind...

Or Joe Biden (Vice-President) (clueless gas-bag), by saying that he wouldn't be riding planes or trains, has sparked a wee bit of a panic, and it might be that time for him to be fired.
Article on Joe: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0409/21925.html

Mark my words - the powers that be might use this an an excuse to cut him loose from the administration.

"...Engineered Crisis..." Hmmm....

Geo-political experts, talk amongst yourselves. Comments are always welcome, but not expected.

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