17 June 2007

A Call, a Challenge…

I call upon my loyal readers (all three of you): DO NOT, UNLESS YOU HAVE A VERY SOUND REASON, VOTE FOR AN INCUMBENT AGAIN.

Sample reasons to vote for an incumbent:
1) They have done exactly what you would have done on every issue (i.e. they have REPRESENTED your views to a T)
2) They have personally come to your house and have either pulled you out of a fire, given CPR to your child, or rescued your cat stuck in a tree.
3) Are related to you and have done 1) and 2)

Other than that, I say it is high time to get new people in there. New people take time to corrupt. I’d say vote for anyone other than who is in there now. How could Joe’s off the street do a worse job of running the government?

We have:
1) The makings of an Interior Security Ministry (Dept of Homeland Defense) – with that an eventual crumbling of rights and liberties
2) A Department of Defense that cannot defend (damn good at projecting power, but in my opinion, had been demonstrably unable to defend the US)
3) The Federal Government is about to go bankrupt. $8.8 trillion in debt? Why is it we never hear of Debt Reduction, but always deficit reduction?
4) A government that seems happy to grant citizenship to people who broke the law. While making it more difficult for law-abiding immigrants to get here and contribute to the American dream (not send it home to Mexico)

We, the American electorate, have no one to blame but ourselves. We’ve let the problem get this bad. Our Founders made a mistake (big one) when putting together our little Republic. They didn’t count on voter apathy. Guess they figured tha the Voters would get what they wanted and deserved. Well then, I guess they were right…

Vote ‘em out. All of them. Call it the Legal Revolution of ’08. The Spirit of Ought Eight… Replace them with anyone else (that has never served before), Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, Communists, at this point, I don’t give a flying fu-k who. As long as they agree to the whole “…Support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC…”

‘Cause them jokers that’re in there now are sure not helping anything, other than themselves…

Many thanks to Ace of Spades for getting me fired up this Sunday AM.http://ace.mu.nu/archives/230353.php

Crazed American, Out.

1 comment:

Escape From Peoria said...

I watched Man of the Year last night, and while neither a comedy, nor a drama (confusing because it seems to try to be both), it did mention something that got stuck in my head. Rather than holding elections, (as anyone who wants the job, has no business being in the job) fill government positions in the same way we select juries. In theory, you'll get a much more representative cross-section of the public at large. Isn't this the same way they did in it the Hitchhiker's series?