27 June 2007

“Fairness” Doctrine

The Crazed American is for free speech of all types, even the ones I do not like.

The Crazed American thinks that any limits on free speech (save the “Fire!” in a movie theatre) are evil and against that which the United States of America stands for.

Instating any type of “fairness” doctrine on anyone is an infringement of free speech, especially over private individuals and for profit businesses (TV Stations and radio). Fairness doctrine should definitely apply to public radio and PBS and NPR (all tax payer funded).

But then, we already regulate and punish “wrong thought” don’t we? (answer: Yes - “Hate Crimes” – why don’t we just punish the crime – not the thoughts that were responsible as well?)

Getting to be almost enough to make a guy start lending credence to crazy conspiracy theories about our Globalist Overlords incrementally stripping away our American liberties…

Big Brother, where Art Thou?

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