22 June 2007

Why I am against the Amnesty (Comprehensive Immigration Bill)

Reason # 45,324


Reparations for Nazis, and Fascist Italians. F-ckin’ serious. Read it. What effect would this have on anyone we turned over to the Israelis or war crimes tribunals? Don't get me wrong - what we did to Japanese Americans(Citizens - good percentage born and raised here - a good number couldn't speak Japanese) was WRONG AND RACIST (internment camps). We didn't do that to Germans and Italians - that's not what this is about - this is about actual "enemy-aliens" - people of German and Italian Citizenry (Swatstikas on their passports, folks) at the time.

Also good Summary here: http://ace.mu.nu/archives/231070.php

What was that song that the British band played during the surrender ceremonies at Yorktown? “The World Turned Upside Down”?

The Crazed American has written both of his Senators, his Representative and the President (What good it will do).

Can you?

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