15 June 2007

I lit a fire!!


Apparently the powers that be at NASA got wind of the "Notice" that the Crazed American had put them on and:

"Cosmonauts Fyodor Yurchikhin and Oleg Kotov pulled off the feat by bypassing a power switch with a cable to get two out of three computer connections running."

They fixed the g-dda-ned thing with a set of jumper cables.


Any one else wondering two things? 1)Jumper cables - they fixed a multi-billion dollar SPACE STATION with jumper cables?!?!?!?!!? WTF? and 2) Just where the hell did they get pair of jumper cables?

(I know the answer to #2. They weren't jumper cables like the Crazed American has in the back of his Low Emission Vehicle. I'm sure they were fashioned out of something else. Cosmonauts are a resourceful bunch)


Finally got a chance to see the actioner "Smokin' Aces". Not a bad flick with a damn good cast and good acting.


I would like to state that the United States Air Force has officially made me sad. Alas, my local Air Force Base is not having an Air Show this year. I have to wait until next year. Da-n it.

The next Star Trek Movie had better not suck. Note to Movie Executives: The Crazed American is a BIG fan of the Original Series. Tread lightly with thy "re imagining", lads - don't re imagine too much...

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