28 September 2006


If the following is true:


I am going to be quite upset.

Attacking American assets (Satellites) in neutral territory (Earth Orbit).

At the least this should be considered piracy. At the most it should be considered an act of war.

Incremental attacks. If our administration is complicit in the knowledge of this, and we aren't at least threatening to blow their satellites out of the sky, might just embolden our friends to the east.

Why do we put up with these incremental attacks?

21 September 2006

The Islamic Republic of Iran

President Ahmadinejad spent the last two paragraphs of his speech calling for the arrival of the "perfect human".

I'm not an expert in Islamic end times and prophecy, but ain't there a WHOLE lot of bad things that are supposed to happen first? My limited expierence in religion makes me think that the end times are not the happiest for people who do not believe in the "true way" - take your pick. Westerners, Americans, and all non-believers (no matter the polictical cant) automatically qualify for the e-ticket to Iblis (Arabic demon, if I'm not mistaken?).

The man is not a "nut-job". He is nothing less than a brilliant, articulate, educated and devout scholar, who is obviously determined to set the stage for the return of the 12th Imam or Mahdi (again, I refer you to the last two paragraphs of his recent address to the UN General Assembly). That simply makes him categorically dangerous to all of us in the "Western World" (that means you, atheistic communists in North Korea, Cuba and China). When he is done with us, he will come after you. Says so in the Koran.

Prove me wrong.


I'd like all of you out there in Cyberspace to keep in mind, no matter what your opinions of President Bush, it is not at all cool for Mr. Hugo Chavez to come to the UN - in New York City and call our President names.

Hugo Chavez thinks that President Bush is the root of all evil, yet is incapable of not selling us a VAST quantity of oil on a daily basis.

I invite everyone to look into who owns Citgo Gasoline.

I, for one will not be buying ANYTHING from a Citgo Filling station, or the attached convenience store.

I'll help Sr. Chavez reduce his reliance on American dollars.

I do agree with Sr. Chavez that perhaps it is time the UN moves on from New York.

20 September 2006

Dear Mr. President Chavez...

To the Honorable President Chavez
Caracas, Venzuela

Dear Sir:

Nice Speech.

Please cease and desist your name calling of my President, especially while speaking in New York City. Please keep in mind that if my President was truly the devil, you'd be able to watch all of your precious oil fields ablaze. The fires would be caused by stand off range land attack and anti-ship missiles that would be provided to you free of charge by the United States Navy, who would also be happy to relieve you of your Navy and Air Force. We won't even give you anything to shoot back at.

Relieved of the onerous burden of all of those petrodollars, I believe you might have a bit of a change in tune, especially when you can't pay your creditors in Russia and China. Then, a month later when your cash and oil reserves dry up, have fun trying to pay your army. You know, the guys that put you into office?

Also, sir, any stink of sulphur that you may have smelled whilst standing at the poduim of the General Assembly, can quickly be explained by two things:

Occam's Razor:
1) Do you really think that George Bush is Satan? If so, then, you must believe that your G-d or gods will protect you.
Corrollary - I doubt you are Muslim. Your friend, the Honorable President Ahmedinejad, will probably want to plant your head on a stake right after he's done with us. Remember that the next Caliphate will be global. If you don't belive me, ask him or your ol' buddy Fidel next time you see him.

-or -

2) The famous adage: "He who smelt it, dealt it." Next time don't get extra sauerkraut on that hot dog from Vinnie's hot dog stand before you give a speech to the UN.

All I know is that I will try to avoid buying gasoline from stations that get their oil from Venezuela.

Have a good trip home, sir. Don't let the door hit you in your Potentate - Dictator-a$$.


The Crazed American

18 September 2006

This whole no news thing...

... is great! Head in the sand works every time. I am not nearly as cranky as once I was. I'm also figuring, if the world goes and ends, I'llprobably be able to figure it out, pretty darn quick.

It is cutting down on the urge to blog, however.

I did hear about the whole row over the Pope's comments.
To paraphrase, "if you dare call Islam intolerant, you should expect violence."
That's brilliant!

I do have to admit, I am following the adventures of the intrepid Crew of the OV-104 Atlantis!

Wonder if those guys were members of the Ironworkers Union Locals that they had overflight of? Do union rules apply to LEO? Anyone?

07 September 2006

I'm done with it!

No more news! I'm taking a break from the spin obsessed, party driven rat race.

I can't stand the lack of impartiality in the news, with so called "journalists" (Left and Right) parading their opinions as fact. I am truly done with spin.

Note to all politicians: If there is ever a non partisan candidate that runs for any office, and I can vote for them, I will. I can't stand Democrats (especially for they have no ideas, aside from being against anything the President is for) or the Republicans (who have ideas, but most of them are bad).

Why can no one in office think for themselves?

So for the next week, I will not go to the news sources that I previously frequented. At the end of that week (after all of the self flagellation / hero worship that 9/11x5 brings).

Somebody let me know if something really big and important happens?

Third party, anyone?

Why the sudden change of heart?

Read this:

This would be political censorship of a filmed work. Not that this work portrayed itself as anything other than a dramatization based on a variety of sources. If this really happens, this is a bad portent. This means that if you don't like someone saying something about someone or something that you did, even in an artistic endeavour, then if you have money fame or power, you can apply physical pressure to have it curtailed or redacted.

If the reports are true, we are in a REAL bad place as a nation.

Of course, in this "Nation of Laws" money, fame and power can allow one to do quite a bit.

If anyone needs me, I'll be at the grocery store loading up on canned goods, for this has to be a sign of the coming Apocalypso... (Good Jimmy Buffett Song)

Or am I just Crazed?

06 September 2006

Infrequent Posting

Toiling in the Salt Mines and taking care of the Queen Crazed American, Princess Crazed American and upkeep on the Mountain Redoubt is tough work! Not to mention there was Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe Marathon on Discovery Channel last night. I do love that show, ‘cause when I think my job at the Salt Mine sucks, I can tune into that show and say, “Hey, I don’t have to clean out septic tanks for a living!” Man, some people have nasty jobs. Hope they pay well.

Posting is irregular – apologies.

Just waiting for someone to blame the stingray induced death of a “highly enthusiastic” Australian Wildlife Wrangler on George W. Bush. I’m sure someone will try to pin it on him, wondering why the jolly, good natured Crocodile Hunter wasn’t wearing the appropriate body armor on his snorkeling trip to the reef…

Obviously the Neo-Cons at work…

Crocodile Hunter, Rest in Peace. Still amazed you lasted as long as you did, to be perfectly honest – I took bets on your Mortality in college…

If anyone cares, the first “webisode” of Battlestar Galactica (Season 2.75?) is out – you can see it by just going to www.scifi.com

I now have new skis. This Crazed American is quite happy.