30 April 2007

Martian SUV's

Alternatively titled: Who has the corner on the Mars Carbon offset Market? For the record – the Crazed American does not really believe in coincidence… http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article1720024.ece

One should be able to go out into one's local planetarium or find an obliging observatory, and check this one out. Since CO2 Ice has a much lower sublimation point, and goes from solid to gas (without much pressure placed on the CO2 gas - and Mars atmosphere is frighteningly shy of pressure), it would definitely be evidence pointing in the direction that if the Martian CO2 Ice Cap continues to sublimate, it may mean that the sun is putting out more energy that we think... in a form our primitive monkey brains haven't quite deduced?

I also have it on good authority that the Martian water Ice Cap is also in a permafrost layer in the soil, so it too, will be affected, albeit at a much slower rate... That would mean visible melting of certain spots - and certain pictures exist of Martian fluid seeps - whether that be water or some other fluid...

Check out my fellow blogspot'er: http://copernicusworkbench.blogspot.com/2007/01/more-images-concerning-recent-martian.html

Also related - anyone have a line on how much CO2 was released by the most recent forest fire in Georgia? Particulate matter?

Log it or it will burn. You'd think that people concerned with climate change would be all in favor of responsible forest management (and by that the Crazed American means responsible and limited logging, deadfall clearing, and overall responsible forestry - definitely NOT clear cutting - man, I hate that).

The Crazed American is expecting a hot summer, possibly hotter than last year. Do I interpret that as a portent of doom?


15 April 2007

Things are shaping up! 'Tis a happy Sunday AM...

Alternately titled: Communication - Fred Thompson is an effective communicator - whether in the written word or speaking.

Or, when he is asked in a few months his poinion on tax policy - he can direct the questioner to -(http://opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110009940) - by all means read them. (props to Instapundit.com)

For the record the Crazed American is very anti- big government and taxes. I am not alien to paying my fair share, but fair share of exactly what? Also the Crazed American is a BIG FAN of the whole: reduced taxes = more government revenue idea (one that is actually backed up by hard data in recent years) - again - read the article by the Next President of the United States of America (if I have anything to say about it).

Fred Thompson for President. FINALLY a candidate I could get behind - only if he would announce (but I also understand how ridiculously far out from the primaries we actually are).

I am going to be sad if President Fred doesn't run.

My biggest problem with the Current Denizen of the Executive Mansion, is that the man is not a communicator. Decisions get made and the man on top is either disposed not to, or cannot communicate his orders effectively to the population. Every time he gives a speech, the words make sense, but the delivery is usually cringe worthy. Neither he, or his father was an exceptional orator, by any stretch of the imagination. Bill Clinton is an excellent orator. Hence his popularity, no matter the overall opinion of his presidency.

Fred Thompson knows how to reach an audience. He definitely can deliver a speech. The Crazed American believes in a "theatre of command". As has been evidenced by the past six years, when a president is capable of effectively communicating his ideas, goals, and commands to the people he governs, he was damned effective. Look at his approval ratings up to and through the invasion of Iraq. He effectively communicated his ideas and goals (whether you agree with them or not - or whether you believe in them or not). POTUS (President of the United States) was on top - and the people under him supported him. He had a specific goal in mind and delegated authority to SecDef and the Joint Chiefs to get it done - he takes the responsibility for success or failure, though. Say what you want about Iraq, the operation to take the country over was a feat of modern arms. There is ample criticism of the Occupation that has been written by far more eloquent and erudite folks than I. It's still not over - though...

My criticism of playing politics (on both sides) with funding of soldiers in the field will wait for another day.

My point is that I believe there should be an effective communicator in the White House. Also I believe that a Commander in Chief should also look like a bulldog that is chewing on a mouthful of shrapnel and carpet tacks. Pictures say a thousand words, and Fred Thompson looks like a commander in chief.

At least that's what I'm thinking this fine Sunday AM...


13 April 2007


I had every intention of sitting down tonight and regaling you all (all four of you) with the Crazed American’s take on one of the hottest controversies that is gripping America these days – and by that I don’t mean the whole Don “I am a complete Ass” Imus / Rutgers flap – no I mean the whole “piston or direct gas impingement operating system of Assault Rifles” controversy – the one that I am sure has been keeping you all up at night…

But, by way of an excellent blog “What would John Wayne Do?” (http://churchoftheduke.blogspot.com/), I am reminded to inform my dedicated readers of an absolutely excellent blog called “Eject! Eject! Eject!” (www.ejectejecteject.com) Written by a guy named Bill Whittle, he posts not as frequently as most of his readers would like, but when he does – what a doozy.

For all fans of Conspiracy theories – and fans of conspiracy theorists I humbly beseech thee to read: http://www.ejectejecteject.com/archives/000140.html

Never before have I read such a mighty use of Occam’s Razor.

Both of the above blogs are highly recommended.

I will add them to the list to the right as soon as I get around to remembering how…

By the way – piston all the way…http://www.armytimes.com/projects/flash/2007_02_20_carbine/

That's all - for now...


04 April 2007

Give me a f---in' break...

Global warming Part II


Attention Global Government Types:

This kind of s#!+ may fly in Belgium, but try that here in the good ol’ US of A and I will personally pay my 20 Euro “Carbon Tax” in 7.62 x 33mm currency. I apologize in advance for the "greenhouse gases" that might be released in the "payment" of the currency.

See, I even used the metric system.

Taxing Barbeques? That is patently ridiculous. My dear friends – that is cooking meals. That is how the VAST majority of the “developing”, “developed”, “un-developed”, Western (Eastern, Southern, and Northern) American cooks their meals.

Time to give props to the boys and girls at Castle AAARGH! (www.thedonovan.com) – as they so poetically put it:

“If Novosti isn't the Russian equivalent of the Onion - then this is Good Reason #44 to own a MANPAD (Man portable air defense missile - i.e., Stinger). H/t, Dusty.”

For a few minutes last week, I thought that there might be some credence to the Anthropogenic Global Warming argument. But then I realized that any behavior that Humans partake in can now be considered a contributor to “greenhouse gas” emissions.

I shall now take out the Patented “Crystal Sphere of the Crazed American” and tell you the future.

In a few years exercise will be considered polluting. You do release a great deal more CO2 when jogging, right? Medical doctors, please weigh in.

Sex? Heavy breathing – could ruin the planet. Not to mention it could lead directly to more and more breathers who will shamelessly respirate.

For the love of Jimminy Freaking Christmas, it is one series of small steps from:

BBQ is bad for the planet, because it releases more CO2
Exercise is bad for the planet, because it releases more CO2
Sex is bad for the planet, because it releases more CO2
Breathing is bad for the planet, because it releases more CO2

So... who’s going to volunteer to commit suicide for the good of the planet?

(for those of you who don't believe that a series of small steps like the above might happen, try experiencing a "nanny state" bureucracy - you'll be frightened)

The Crazed American has a long list of people he’d like to nominate… for the good of the planet…