31 May 2016

Lemme spell it out for ya...

Honestly its shit like THIS  and THIS that amkes those of us on the Pro-2A side of things not trust those in favor of "sensible" gun control. 

If you cannot make your case without having to resort to deceptive editing, then forgive us for not feeling like "engaging and interfacing" with you on the issue.

...and this was just this week. 

Crazed American, out.

26 May 2016

Mark my words...


If true, this is fairly damning, and it shouldn't be long until the indictments start rolling along.  

I'm thinking the Obama Administration is about to throw The Clinton Campaign under the bus. 

No secret that Obama and Clinton do not like each other much. 

Popcorn on standby. 

Ready for the Plagarist in Chief?  Uncle Joe Biden might just be the Democratic nominee...

But, of course, i could be wrong. 

Crazed American, out.

16 May 2016


I have officially found the new T-Shirt that will be work around Basecamp Ponderosa


This guy gets it. 

Crazed American, out.

09 May 2016


Wait, an "IT guy" worked someplace for 4 years and has NO emails? Not even the barely HR tolerable, almost inappropriate joke-meme emails, or "Servers and phone switches are going to be down tomorrow while we work on a UPS issue" emails???

This, the same guy that set up SecState's Email Server of Questionable Legal Status.

I call Shenanigans. It cannot be. Before any of you decry my lack of ability to comment on this, please know that I was an "IT guy". **0_o**

In modern history , the true damage never comes from the initial transgression, it is ALWAYS from the coverup.

Well, Mr. Pagliano's about to find out what the undercarriage of a bus looks like.  But he is currently being held on a close leash by J. Edgar's boys.  

Interesting times, 

Crazed American, out.

05 May 2016

Words have meaning

In this time of the Novus Populares (Trump and Sanders) versus Novus Optimates (Clinton et al), this kind of language has meaning:

There is nothing I would like more than to take on and defeat Donald Trump, someone who must never become president of this country.

and the Glenn Beck / Brad Thor: #neverTrump and #NeverEverTrump

OK.  If it is true that if you encourage your followers that Trump "must never" become president.  How far do you think your followers (or an unhinged follower) might take it?  Pretty easy to interpret this in a very negative and permanent way.

Told the Missus the other day that it looks as though our current time frame is beginning to rhyme with the very late Roman Republic (40-30 BCE).  This is illustrative for those who might consider executive protection and being a bodyguard as a line of work.  Don't do it.  Early 21st Century America might become known as an era known for political assassination leading quickly into organized violence. 

Lord help us have cool heads, and realize that the world won't end if someone is elected and rules are followed and everybody acts like rational adults. 

Rational adults in 2016 America?  Oh.  We're fucked.

Crazed American, out.

03 May 2016

Lying Populist Hack Demagogue v. Same

It's over!  Cruz (Partisan Religious Demagogue) has FINALLY suspended his campaign after being trounced by a Lying Populist Hack Demagogue. 

So the race, barring a victory by the Democratic Socialist in the race, will be one Lying Populist Hack Demagogue -R versus Lying Populist Hack Demagogue -D.

The Republican Party is DEAD.  Good Riddance.  One down, one to go.  Your turn to eat yourselves alive, Democrats. 

The American Republic has been on life support for a while.  Lots of people like Glenn Beck have been asking if our current situation was closed to 1914 or 1939.  I counter that currently we're skating along at about 32 BCE. 

All it will take is a Caesar.  None of the clowns currently running fit that bill. 

Interesting times.

Build local community and local networks.  We're DEFCON 4 (with option to upgrade) 'round here, and I don't say that lightly.  Put some essentials aside, needs and some cash. 

Crazed American, OUT