26 February 2013

Intolerable Acts


This man released a dozen or so Helium ballons as an act of love.  He has been charged with a FELONY act.

At what point, do we as a liberty-loving people say: ENOUGH!

In early American History Indentured Servants had to give between 10-25% of their income to their master.

What's your nominal tax rate?

It is said that every American adult commits an average of three felonies a day.

Yet we need more laws?

Real Change is needed.

21 February 2013

The system is working!...?

This Crazed American, spawned in the beautiful, rolling, oppressed lands of the upstate area formerly known as the Can-tu-Kee (Everything West of the Hudson River), but currently known as Upstate New York, is happy to witness opposition to an ill-conceived and rushed series of edicts rubber-stamped by the New York Assembly.


Genessee County, and the majority of New York Counties - GOOD ON YOU.

This is how the system is supposed to work, no matter the issue.  State and Federal Governments should not be able to run rough-shod all over the will of the people. The New York SAFE Act was rammed through the process - to the point that, in the race to be "FIRST!!"  Gov. Cuomo's legislation didn't even take into account that the law didn't even provide exemptions for law enforcement officers.  If the New York SAFE act served one purpose, perhaps it was getting the people of New York (not City, that's it's own world)to realize, that hey, we have county governments and we might be able to remind people who seem to think themselves more enlightened and our betters, that we do have a voice.  Also, people might realize that maybe, just maybe, we don't need all of this "sterling" "leadership".

So let's see how this goes.

Crazed American, out.

12 February 2013

So, there's this...

The article is interesting.  Comments are where the gold is:  people calling out NASA for being at best obtuse, at worst covering up.
I love how the article shows examples "similar" on earth that are not remotely similar...

 Why not get the rover over to it and take some damn samples?!?


If it's nothing, take the damn "Curiosity" over to it and, oh, I don't know, be CURIOUS!!  Prove to me that it's nothing.  Or, we'll just treat it like every other "Light and Shadow" anomaly that might be something.  

It's called science for a reason.  You have the most capable autonomic device in history RIGHT FUCKING THERE!! Go over to it, look at it with the chem cam, get right up next to it.  

If you don't then the conspiracy theories abound.  Kill a few of the theories, please.  Prove us wrong.

Unless you can't and that's the whole point. 

Crazed American.  Out.