21 November 2006


It's not even Turkey Day yet, and I already have three days (albeit just a few runs per) on the mountain.

I will not complain about skiing on or near Thanksgiving.

The rocks make you pay attention to your line.

I'd have four days on mountiain, if only this !#$% plumber would show up.

10 November 2006


The elections are over! The American People have spoken. I may not be doing cartwheels over what they have to say…

The Democrats are in charge! The economy will soon be reported as the best ever (although nothing will have changed from where it is now), Islamo-Nazi's will stop hating us, Lions will lie down with lambs, the sun will shine on sweet smelling rainbows, and ML Soccer will become the most popular professional sporting events in the land! (OK I went too far witht he last one)

Government will still be SNAFU (In the truest sense). That's the way our Founding Fathers designed it (man, I hope they knew their shit - they've had a pretty good track record)!

Will our new Democrat Overlords distinguish themselves with their leadership in the next two years? Or will we see bitter recriminations, revenge and jockeying for position for ’08?

I will wait to see. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.

I was going to blog about firing Ken Melman from the reigns of the RNC. They beat me to it.

I will now try to keep a running tally of Bush Loyalists that have been thrown under the bus:

Don Rumsfeld (Can we keep him on just to do the briefings?)
Ken Melman (Happened on your watch, buddy)

Soon to be thrown:
John Bolton (I still wish someone could show me exactly – and specifically what he’s done wrong in the past)

Next: Dick Cheney? (To be replaced by a certain Senator from AZ who REALLY wants to be President?)

Dear Democrats,

More restrictive gun control legislation is silly, and a good way to loose big in '08.
(BTW- I'd vote for Nancy Pelosi LONG before I'd vote for Hillary Clinton.)


Single Issue Crazed American


I would like to state for the fact that 1) America is still (and will be for the foreseeable future) the greatest bunch of people on the face of the planet
2) to all 3rd world countries: please notice yet another in a long line of peaceful transfer of power over the next few months…

***Next Topic***
In all seriousness - Happy Birthday, Leathernecks! May the Corps continue it's proud tradion for at least another 231 years! I'll give a mighty ex-Army HUAH and a loud "Thank You" to the good ol' USMC! Go have a good party!

Loyal readers (all two of you), if you know any Marines, or relatives of, wish them a happy birthday. I had my daughter wish her teacher (whose son is a newly-minted leatherneck) a "Happy Birthay Marine Corps!", brought tears to the teacher's eyes, then to mine...

***Next Topic***
Ski season starts next week. Screw keeping a tally of the Republican Martyrdom, I shall dedicate my time to keeping a tally of my days on Mountain… That guarantees a better return…

06 November 2006

Broken floodgates

Wow, just one post and a flood of things come to mind...

Voting - If I was in charge, I'd increase taxes for every adult American by $200.
Then I'd give a tax credit for $200.00 for proof of voter registration and voting.
Bye-bye national debt.

NASA - many kudos to NASA and Director Mike Griffin for deciding to send a mission to Hubble. My earlier post on NASA still stands, however...

The Honorable Senator John Kerry (D-MA) is a clown and an arrogant idiot. Bill Clinton may have "loathed" (his word) the American Military, but he at least had the brains not to publicize his opinion, and (for the most part) acted the part of Commander in Chief.

Certain mountain towns I know of have enough swimming pools.

The US Army should adopt the HK416 (www.hkdefense.us/corporate/media/pdf/416revised4-5-05.pdf )

While on that rant - since HK has made the SA80 (British Rifle) and the M16 (HK416) into decent weapons, anyone think that they might be able to come up with a fix to the Mini-14? I'm thinking a piston instead of direct gas, a beefier barrel (I do NOT need a Bayonet lug, btw) and a better Magazine (or an adatper that'll take NATO STANAG 20/30 rounders). I do want another Mini-14, but the accuracy of them accuracy are a bit of a liability, and if that little gas port gets fouled, overpressure in a Mini-14 is not fun (blown case, shrapnel, etc). Anyone got a line to HK?

Bad Blogger

I've been busier than the proverbial "one legged man in an ass kicking contest"

'tis tough getting the ol' mountain redoubt prepped for the oncoming winter.

Tomorrow: At the least all Americans who have the responsibility / right - should get out and vote - regardless of party - your voice needs to be heard.

that being said :

My only political commentary is from a Democrat, whose works I like a great deal:

Orson Scott Card (if you don't know who he is - read Ender's Game)

Read it here:

Rembember if you don't vote, you are not allowed to bitch about politics, with out having yourself branded as a clown or "ass-hat".

Vote dammit!