20 October 2015

Bucking the Trend, by not bucking the ACTUAL trend

Great opinion piece : http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/what-if-the-new-star-wars-sucks-too-1737539377

The author of that piece brings up VERY salient points. 

I'm not a fan of JJ Abrams - he's made a couple good action films, but in terms of Sci Fi - One decent Movie (Star Trek).

Star Wars: The Force Awakens might just suck.  All but two of the previous 6 movies did - although I liked Return of the Jedi more than the author did, but not by much.

I'll see it, but not on opening weekend. 

I, for the record, hope it does not suck. 

A10's in Turkey... 

American forces staying in Afghanistan for the foreseeable future. 

Russian Sukhoi's dropping A LOT of iron on anyone that opposes Assad.

China claiming territory in international waters. 

Japan is rearming.

Europe is being stressed beyond their limited capacities by an onslaught of immigration (read: refugees)

Paradigms are shifting. 

Where do we as Americans fit into all of this?   Should we fit into all of this?

Are we in a situation closer to 1913, or 1938.  The old men in charge seem to be pushing us all toward a point where a balloon might go up. 

"Maybe the old men woke up one morning and forgot what it was like."

Interesting times.

08 October 2015

Social Media


Finally sloughed off an albatross worth of mill stone 'round me neck. 

No longer am I on the book of Faces. 

I can feel creativity returning to me as I write this. 

Notified my family, that I would be putting a bullet into the monkey on my back...

...at work, on my phones, tablets and computers. 

Now begins the process of contacting those people I want to communicate with on the regular, and not be beholden to the Zuckenbeast. 

Who knows, maybe I'll be more motivated to share here. 

Crazed, Liberated American, OUT.