23 July 2007

Happy Birthday!

Bullfrog (being one of my four or five readers gets you all sorts of special perks, don’t it?)! Huzzah! Hope you are having a great birthday! Mrs. Crazed American and I will try to give you a call tonight. You’re old as me again! How’s that 33 years feeling?

Have a cold one for me! I’ll have one for you!

Crazed American, out!

17 July 2007


From the Article: http://www.sptimes.com/2007/07/17/Business/Cigarmakers_in_a_pani.shtml

As part of an increase in tobacco taxes designed to pay for children's health insurance, the nickel-per-cigar tax that has ruled the industry could rise to as much as $10 per cigar.

"I'm not sure in the history of man, since our forefathers founded the country in 1776, that there's ever been a tax increase of 20,000 percent," said Newman, who runs the Tampa business founded by grandfather Julius Caesar Newman. "They had the Boston Tea Party for less than this."

Indeed, Eric, indeed. Although I doubt you’ll find many Cigar Smokers who are willing to throw boxes of Cuesta-Rey’s into Tampa Bay.

The Crazed American still has one vice. That is an occasional good cigar. By occasional, I mean once every six months, if. If the prices of premium cigars (the kind I smoke) go up by $10 per stick, I will officially quit. Unofficially, I will put Glenn Frey on the stereo, buy a “cigarette” boat and sing the smuggler’s blues.

This all goes to pay for Children's Health Care - what happens when everybody stops smoking?

Not smart, Uncle Sam, but why am I surprised?

Crazed “Partagas Smoker” American, out.

15 July 2007

So sorry, ladies...

...I am afraid that as of this afternoon:

Moose is spoken for...

Congratulations, Broseph!!!

(to everyone else, my baby brother got himself engaged this afternoon - at Cecret Lake, none the less!)


One HAPPY Crazed American,


13 July 2007

Get this...


I guess I need to rail against NASA again...

I mean, come on!

Surely you can spell the name of one of your space shuttles? I mean really - you've only got three of them left... maybe they should hold a meeting... If this is the state of quality control... Who's in charge over there? Mrs. McGillicuddy's 2nd grade class? I know spelling isn't high on the list of abilities with engineers, but, really.

Sad. They're all glad that I ain't President.

10 July 2007

This is priceless...

The Crazed American about laughed hiself hoarse reading this one:

Hats off to Iowahawk, once again!


09 July 2007

For the Record:

The Crazed Amercian likes Dave Mustaine and Megadeth


'specially now. He dislikes the UN almost as much as I do...

Tip of ye olde hat to Ace of Spades HQ http://ace.mu.nu/


Oh Good...

Am I the only one who might see any connection here:

El Presidente might be mulling an Iraq pullout:

(Although that is from the New York Times – Multiple Grains of Salt needed)

And then:

Turkey puts 140K troops on the border of The Kurdish Territories in Northern Iraq: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070709/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_turkey_1

Is that because we are viewed as weak and the Turks feel it necessary to prevent chaos and / or an Independent Kurdistan on it’s border?

One possible scenario: We begin a pull out from Iraq and the Turks step in (at least into Northern Iraq). I’d love to be under Turkish occupation (Armenia anyone?)… Something tells me that the Turk-men won’t be the benevolent occupiers that we are.

Jiminy Christmas, this could get “interesting” real frikkin’ quick.

***Topic Change***
Live Earth – Complete hypocrisy. Anyone who did watch it (I watched at two separate times (Police – they actually sounded terrible Sting’s voice faltered a couple of times and they just sounded off – Smashing Pumpkins – not so good) gain any awareness of the “looming climate crisis”.

Apparently I am not alone in my disdain for Live Earth. Who did this event help, exactly? Did anyone gain awareness or a fire to go out and do something for the environment?

I think Instapundit.com said it best (in relation to the hundreds of thousands of miles traveled by the performers and promoters in aircraft and the hundreds of tons of waste and estimated 71,000 tons of additional carbon that this event produced) and I’ll paraphrase (it’s my new catch phrase by the way and what I will use anytime: I will start thinking that “climate change” is a crisis, when people who are calling it a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.

What was the title of the event?

Live Earth: You Gotta Make Carbon to Prevent Carbon?!?

Who did this make money for?

Someone said that Live Earth would have had to plant something north of 100,000 trees to offset the amount pollution produced by this event? I for one have not heard of Live Earth volunteers out planting trees.

Carbon neutral my a$$...

Geez. All hail the “church of the green”

05 July 2007

Self Reflection

The Crazed American used to think that he was concerned for his fellow man. I used to think that I was above finding mirth in the misfortune of any other human being.

Apparently not.

Then I realized I am perfectly capable of laughing at the intense suffering dumb ass Islamofacist Terrorist wannabees. I am not laughing at the misfortune of the heroic Scottish Cabbie:

For your perusal - http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/tm_headline=i-kicked-burning-terrorist-so-hard-in-balls-that-i-tore-a-tendon-in-my-foot--&method=full&objectid=19401382&siteid=66633-name_page.html

But I read this and about spewed coffee all over my keyboard.

Corollary - terrorists are well advised to steer clear of Scotland in the future.

From Instapundit (http://www.instapundit.com/)

Also, just as a side note, I am very glad that those would be martyrs for Allah had not clue as to the necessity of an oxidizer in a fuel - air explosion.

Thank heaven that this round of car bomber were idiots.