31 August 2012

Browbeating, and other commentaries on politics

Gentle reader,

Yesterday, I was browbeaten (politically) by someone that I not only respect, but share some political affinity with.  He and I agree on more than we disagree.

The topic over which said kerfuffle took place?  My lack of support or even token enthusiasm for his political champion, Mitt Romney. How dare I, a devout believer in the principles of fiscal conservatism, not be out with a Romney Sticker on the back of may car?  How am I, a freedom loving patriot, not capable of swallowing my misgivings and throwing in for a man like Mitt?  How dare I not sit in rapt attention in front of the TV and watch the pablum the GOP has crafted to put in my face?

In the interest of full disclosure, I did watch the last half of the acceptance speech.  Romney is no orator.  But then again, neither is Barack Obama (who in my opinion has given exactly one, rousing speech - 2004 Democratic Convention).  Also, I admittedly would prefer a Romney / Ryan administration compared to a Obama / Biden one. But only for the fact that the President would be given at least some scruitny by the Obama-fawning media.  Even "Democrat-Identifying" friends admit that they are amazed at how little scrutiny our Beloved Leader gets from the media.

But, it's hard to admit that my opinion of the future of our Great Nation is not a bright one.

The challenges that the next administration faces are daunting, to say the slightest.  Economic insanity is not far away.  Not to mention, the GOP has been less than stellar in it's adherence to fiscal conservatism in the recent decades.  Also, just 'cause there is a rich man in the White House (who UNDERSTANDS business, granted), does not mean that once he is elected sunshine and rainbows will spontaneously erupt and businesses will fall all over themselves hiring and spending.

I do not enjoy socialism, in any form.  I am opposed to ObamaCare, which is based on RomneyCare of Massachusetts fame.  A program that has actually bankrupted what was left of the formerly solvent People's Republic of Mass.

So Mitt's answer for it?  Repeal and Replace.  I guess we'll see... but forgive me if I'm not terribly surprised when one less than perfect idea is replaced with other less than perfect idea.

Also, Romney LOST me when he trumpeted the stupid line that he supports the "sanctity of life and traditional marriage".  Hold the g--da-ned, f--king phone.  You mean to tell me, that with the literal EXISTENTIAL crisis that faces this country, anyone in their right mind would waste the energy of one neuron firing to prevent two, consenting adults from entering into a stable partnership, that would do nothing if not encourage investment in our neighborhoods and local trades?  Don't believe me?  Ask a residential contractor if they've ever worked for a gay couple.  If they have, see if they were not thrilled to work for such people - I'd be surprised if their opinion of them was anything, if not stellar.

As I have stated before, I share Richard Cheney's opinion of Gay Marriage - I'm for it.  "Freedom means freedom for everyone."

As for the abortion issue?  The Crazed American is of the opinion of Hillary Clinton when it comes to abortion.  It should be legal, safe and above all, RARE.

You know what, Republicans?  Fix the economy, get America employed again, fix the rampant waste and corruption that exists in our government.  Re-establish the rule of law here.  Restore freedom (Patriot Act, NDAA, TSA, et al).  Make sure that we can, in perpetuity provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.  Do those things, and then in that era of unrivalled prosperity and freedom, you can come back to me and tell me how homosexuals marrying each other causes higher taxes.  Or how, if abortion is legal, it prevents people from getting jobs. Or either of them somehow effect the freedom and proserity of my family. Do that, and we can have the same "rational discourse" that the Democrats want to have with me about the Second Amendment rights that were given to me by my creator.

Also, as the two regular readers of this blog will tell you, is my "line in the sand" attitude about firearms rights in this country.  I DO NOT TRUST MITT ROMNEY TO PROTECT THEM.  I trust him as much as I trust Barack Obama, which is to say, not at all.  I only point to Romney's own words and his record as Governor of Massachusetts.  His NRA Life Membership and his recent statements should be looked at as what they are, pandering.

I have carried water for the Republicans in the past, and have been ashamed by the power they have taken through my voice.  They have wasted money, lives and freedom in their pursuit of power and control.  Democrats seem only too happy to continue on with the very policies they claim to hate so much.

When you boil it right down, I will not be voting for Willard Mitchell Romney for the same reasons that I will not be voting for Barack Hussein "Barry Soetero" Obama.  They both believe in the same progressive, big government, nanny statism.  It's not for me.

 I will never again vote for the lesser of two evils, nor will I hold my nose and vote for a man who I only partially agree with.  I will only vote for those who I agree with, and am ready to carry water for.

Needless, to say, their ain't ANYONE up for election, or even hinted at being one I would vote for.  Not even the vaunted Herr Doktor Representative Paul.  Gary Johnson?  Maybe, but I'll probably just write my Dad in again, even though he said that he would not serve if elected.

It's something that I am trying to impress on the Youngest Crazed American.  If you have misgivings about a politician, LISTEN to those misgivings, and unless you are ready for them to be your leader, do not lend them your voice.  Trust instinct.  We are given them by G-d for a reason.  They are honed by the terrible deaths of thousands of your ancestors.  When your Spidey-sense tingles, you are loathe to ignore it's sage counsel.

Yesterday, I was told that if I didn't vote for Mitt Romney, I would be wasting my vote and helping Barack Obama take another four years and destroy this country.  Please, spare me the doom talk.

This country is heading for a fiscal cliff at 100 miles an hour (ask Uncle Sugar).  The small amount of economic improvement that Romney might be able to impart will only slow it.  Next year payments on our debt will exceed all other spending, combined.  The idea that the budget can be balanced is science fiction.  If the government cut ALL other spending, and laid of all of the people that work for it, and somehow was able to raise revenues (taxes) to the point where they are now (considering a LARGE FRACTION of the American population work for Uncle Sugar), then MAYBE...  but with those people entirely unemployed.  Mitt Romney MIGHT be able to slow down the careening car, but it can't be stopped at this point.

There will have to be a currency default. Since our currency is debt (thanks Federal Reserve Corp.!!), that'll mean we'll be defaulting on our debt as well.  Since the Chinese and the British hold vast quantities of our debt, those economies WILL crater.  It is not a question of "if" anymore.  Am I worried about the Chinese?  Nope.  The barrel that they have us over is the same one we have them over.  BOHICA in an MC Escher kind of way...

The next several years will be hard, it will be a painful time.  The person that browbeat me about it told me that if I didn't vote for Romney, Barack Obama would be re-elected and he, and several other wealthy friends of his would immediately take their capital and run for a "safe haven" like Canada.  Please, dude, give it a rest.  IF the US is heading into the toilet, guess who else is, too?  Also, if it gets so bad here, how long do you think it would be before we rolled some tanks into Canada to make sure that fuel supplies are coming to us, and not to China?  You think Canada, population 30 million, is ready to accept a bunch of put-out angry, rich Americans? A group of people who are willing to leave their country over a socialist-lite and who have a tendency to REALLY not enjoy socialism? Not so fast.

Allow me to state categorically, I do not envision Mad Max times ahead.  Nothing like that, just the 1930's plus modern technology (Stuff cannot be un-invented.  Think what The Grapes of Wrath would be like with Twitter and iPhones.

To sum up, some less-than-pleasant times are a' comin'.  Times of incredible change.  But those times will be a lot less pleasant if on top of the mess that is the economy, I can't sleep 'cause I helped, even as a token, perpetuated the fools that are leading us to ruin.  I believe in the idea of America, the spirit of our country too much to even play lip-service support to someone I do not support with up to my life, fortune and sacred honor.  It may sound dramatic, but these are dramatic times.  My vote is the only voice I have, and the Republicans and Democrats will not be lent that voice, unless they do things that I agree with wholeheartedly.

That ain't terribly f--kin' likely.  

I believe in this country, I believe in it's ideals of equality, freedom, and liberty.  I believe in the rule of law.  No matter what happens in the coming years, I will be that guy that tries to teach the Constitution to the street punks.

So say we all,

Crazed American, Out.

30 August 2012

Political Post

Apparently, the Party of the Enlightened Wealthy is having a convention in Tampa.

Next week, the Party of the Wealthy Enlightened has it's convention in Charlotte.

Allow this post to demonstrate:
1) my complete apathy for both
2) the staggering numbers of f--ks I do not give.

I've said it before.  They are the "left" and "right" arms of the same rapist.

All I advocate is the return to the rule of law, in a place where such an idea of "too big to fail" is met with derision.

Enjoy the bread and circuses.

Crazed American, out.

25 August 2012

The Empire State Massacre

I know, I know.  Two posts in one day.

So New York's finest, in the attempt to stop a murderer, end up shooting up a street full of people.

Video's out there.  Nine people shot, two dead, seven wounded.

Most, if not all of the wounded are having doctors pull NYPD issued slugs out of them.

For the longest time, NYPD has been criticized for their officer's tendencies to shoot to slidelock against a threat.  It's happened numerous times before.

Not to second guess the two patrol officers who responded to this threat and put down the murderer (well done) but ended up hitting seven times more innocent people than bad people in the process, but law enforcement agencies HAVE GOT TO increase their training.  Triggger control and advanced marksmaship training is key! SIRT, simunitions, shoot houses (virtual or real - hell have them play a Call of Duty knock off where their pay is docked $100 every time they shoot an innocent avatar)... the tech exisits.  Peace Officers have got to be trained better and to a higher standard with firearms.  It is hopefully the tool they use the least, but it is the ultimate tool to be equipped with.

I'm not saying for a moment that police shouldn't have firearms.  They should, and the Crazed American is of the mind EVERYONE should).  

Also, New York, Detroit and Chicago, how are those gun laws working out for you?  You've got the strictest gun control around and your gun violence rate is... The highest in the nation? Ah.  You obviously need more gun control.  If it ain't working?  Do it harder, right?

I live in a smaller-sized "big" city in the intermountain west.  We've got a population that is for lack of a better term, armed to the teeth. Liberal concealed and open carry laws.  When's the last time we had a massacre? We had a shooting in a mall a few years back.  Six people, including the shooter died that night.  Kicker? The mall was a "Gun Free Zone".  Thank G-d an off-duty cop (carrying concealed) was there to HELP stop the bad guy.

The Dark Night Massacre in Aurora, CO?  Gun-Free Zone

Sikh Temple in Wisconsin?  Although the President of the temple died like the Warrior-Poet he was, bloodied Kirpan in hand.

Virginia Tech?

Chicago (in general, some of the most draconian anti-gun laws in the nation), last weekend (13 dead in 30 minutes)?

Washington, DC (any day of the week - most restrictive firearms laws)?

New York (highly restricitve gun laws - permits to own only issues to celebrities or politically well connected), last week when hot dog vendors actually got into a firefight over selling hot dogs, or the Empire State shootings?

There's a common theme here, and I can go right on citing specific instances.

Allow me to sum up:

GUNS ARE NEVER GOING AWAY.  Technology is progressing to the point where people can print firearm  components and soon the ENTIRE FIREARM on a 3d printer.  IN METAL.

In America, the easiest places for criminal murderers to commit murder is in places where they know the least amount of resistance will be encountered.  People bent on murder are not all that concerned with having the felony trespass with a firearm added to their litany of criminal charges.  The death penalties from the 14 murder convictions kind of out weighs the minor felony count.

People have always snapped, maniacs exist and have existed since the beginning of time.  Like with the genius, the artist, the person of amazing abilities, sometimes people have (or get) their wiring messed up. They have or find a need to hurt and kill.  They have a need to make others (sometimes strangers) suffer.  As humans, not only are some models mentally damaged and need to kill, some are wired to figure out ways to end mayhem.  In pre-history, predators like that were quickly dispatched with a buffalo jawbone to the skull.  In Roman times, the Gladuis made quick work of the maniac.  We have modern technology and the ability to allow a 93 year old woman to defend herself from violent rape and murder by killing her two, twenty year old assailants.  Why do some of us fear tools?

You may not "like"guns, the mere sight of them might send you into a hoplophobic fit of pants-sh-tting hysteria.  I know people like this. Some of us do not have your mental problem, some of us are trained and have the tools to stop a maniac bent on spilling blood.  My guns are no more danger to you or any of my neighbors than the hammer or circular saw in your garage is to me.  If you're not planning on murdering me, mine or innocents near me, what do you have to fear?  I am trained, I am licensed, background checked, and I am held to a higher standard than most local, state and federal law enforcement officers.

Concealed Carry permit holders (at least in my state) are held to a higher background check level than police officers.  We obey the law.  So when there is a "Weapons prohibited" sign, who does that sign disarm?  Not the f--khead with the shotgun and pipe bombs who wants to redecorate the inside of the IKEA into a symphony of blood, fear and death.  It disarms his resistance.  Creates a lovely environment of Swedish furniture and terrified, screaming, running, crying panicked people and a few of them trying to figure out how to fashion the leg of a Diksuk chair into a club to keep the maniac from putting rounds into his wife, child, or fellow man.


Crazed American, out.


So, our glorious system is set up in such a way that municipalities (counties, cities, townships, towns, hamlets, villages, etc.) don't have the financial wherewithal to be able to function on their own.

Officially, these governments have enough revenue (taxes and fees) to pay all of the dog-catchers, cops, et al, least nominally, but for special projects they have to create bonds.

For the cheap seats, a bond is a financial device that has a nominal value (let's say $100).  We sell them to people, at a discount and guarantee an interest rate over a time period.  When the time period is reached, it is known that the bond has matured. You can then go to the issuing organization and turn the bond in, for which they will pay you the face value plus the interest that is owed.

All well and good, right?  We have to have that new park, repave the sidewalk, plant some trees, build a stadium, provide all of our local workers with pensions and health care in perpetuity. All important instances of building for the collective good, right?

*Side note:  The Crazed American is not against pensions or perpetual health care, the employer (private, governmental) had just be damn sure they can pay for it - especially when times get bad.  If you can't pay for it, don't offer it.  NO MORE UNFUNDED LIABILITIES (evidence?  California, US Gov't)*

Problem is this:  most cities and towns cannot meet their payroll without lines of credit and bonds in perpetuity.

Municipalities are starting to go bankrupt because 1) our money is a sham (different topic) 2) our cities and towns and counties are living FAR beyond their means.

Who to blame?  The politicians?  Nope, they're slime and we all know it.

Us.  We did it.  We think that we're entitled to this fairy tale government that can do everything for us and everything to us.  The entire system is now gamed to vote us all as much from the (empty) treasury as possible.  Are we evil, are we super greedy?


We had the best of intentions, the best ideas.  Then we handed it off to people who we now rail against accusing them of betraying some sacred trust.

Think I'm crazy?  Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha himself, just reduced his exposure in the hopelessly over-leveraged municipal bond market by half.  He pulled $8,000,000,000 (eight billion) out of that mess.  Granted, he's still got another $8,000,000,000 in there, but c'mon.  The writing is on the wall.  He'll be pulling as much as he can out of it as fast as he can without cratering the market entirely.

Think this is just some financial mumbo jumbo?  What happens if it happens to your locality? How are you going to feel when the cops can't patrol, the street lights are out, no one landscapes the medians or parks, the libraries close and the utility services become unreliable?  No doom speaking here, it's happening in California and Michigan.

The federal debt cliff is coming.  The fools in charge and the fools in waiting aren't equipped, or capable of fixing the problems in front of us.  The system is broken, and will be broken until the everyday man and woman stands up and rebuilds their small corner of the country.  Once there are four rebuilt corners, that's a rebuilt room.  Enough rebuilt rooms, and you have a rebuilt house.

Get to know your neighbors, get involved with local organizations and charities.  Put down the goddamned electronic devices for a little while each day and plant a garden and share your bounty with your neighbors, with your fellow Americans. Rebuild community.

One Corner at a Time.

Crazed American, Out.

12 August 2012

Spelled out...

Cogent, rational and accurate...

Fairly hard to argue the facts. Spread the word, 'mericans.


The best, rational explanation of what the Second Amendment means to a lot of people in this country...

Crazed American, Out.

08 August 2012

401 BC

The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Libya and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The English have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from "Tiresome" to "A Bloody Nuisance." The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada.
The Scots have raised their threat level from "Pissed Off" to "Let's get the Bastards." They don't have any other levels. This is the reason they have been used on the front line of the British army for the last 300 years.
The French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide." The only two higher levels in France are "Collaborate" and "Surrender." The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country's military capability. 
Italy has increased the alert level from "Shout Loudly and Excitedly" to "Elaborate Military Posturing." Two more levels remain: "Ineffective Combat Operations" and "Change Sides."
The Germans have increased their alert state from "Disdainful Arrogance" to "Dress in Uniform and Sing Marching Songs." They also have two higher levels: "Invade a Neighbour" and "Lose."
Belgians, on the other hand, are all on holiday as usual; the only threat they are worried about is NATO pulling out of Brussels.
The Spanish are all excited to see their new submarines ready to deploy. These beautifully designed subs have glass bottoms so the new Spanish navy can get a really good look at the old Spanish navy.
Australiameanwhile, has raised its security level from "No worries" to "She'll be alright, Mate." Two more escalation levels remain: "Crikey! I think we'll need to cancel the barbie this weekend!" and "The barbie is cancelled." So far no situation has ever warranted use of the final escalation level.
A final thought: Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 401 BC. 
 by John Cleese – British Writer, Actor, Tall Person and friend of an Irish saint

Deja Vu... all over again!

Gentle Reader, 

I am again at a place where I am without a leader.  I cannot vote for the freedom hating, deeper skin toned lackey of the oligarchs, nor can I vote for the lighter one... 

What differences do they have?  

One is all for the draconian restriction of civil rights (speech, surveillance, arms).  The other is also for spending, spending, spending.  They both LOVE the nanny police state.

There is no difference 'twixt the two.  

I will not waste my vote, but I'm to the point where my vote does not matter.  I will probably write in ChThulhu.  If we're going off the deep end, why not go with someone who knows what it's like to live underwater?


The Crazed American

P.S. This country is broke - the only reason it's still afloat, is that the rest of the world is MORE broke.  Increasing taxes on the rich (or anyone else) will merely kill what little activity is left.  Raise the taxes on the rich, cut spending, and lower the taxes on everybody else.  

Not going to happen.  
